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Textile Recycling Investment: Hybridworks $3.2 Million

Published: October 10, 2023

In order to recycle blended textile materials that have reached the end of their useful lives, Hybridworks claims that it has created a novel two-phase method that is awaiting patent and specialised equipment.

The company provides an eco-friendly alternative to discarding textiles in landfills, where they take more than 100 years to decompose or incinerating textiles, where they pollute the air. 

The Hybridworks systems separate the cotton, as a fibre, from the polyester. The high-quality and high-integrity cotton that is produced as a consequence can be re-spun into fresh fiber. Because cotton has traditionally been burned or processed into cellulose, the business claims that the cotton product it has developed marks a substantial improvement in the production of environmentally friendly textiles.

According to the company, the new investment represents a critical milestone in Hybridworks’ quest to transform the textile industry with the most scalable and energy-efficient renewable textile technology in the industry. This technology would be used to make textiles out of naturally occurring materials such as hemp and organic cotton. 

In addition, the recovered polyester is split into terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol, which are the two fundamental chemicals required to manufacture polyester as well as the majority of other plastics. These two recovered products may be spun into new fibre or blended with virgin fibre to generate fibre with recycled content. Another option is to make fibre entirely from recycled materials. 

According to Hybridworks, their method gives extra advantages to the environment since the design of their process saves labour, reduces energy costs, and conserves water. The business is now working on the construction of a pilot plant and establishing collaboration agreements with fashion houses, fabric producers, waste management firms, industrial laundries, and fibre companies—all of whom are in desperate need of solutions for textile recycling. 

Following the successful completion of a pre-seed angel and founding team fundraising round totalling $300,000 the previous year, Hybridworks has received further capital in the form of investment. Hybridworks is now able to extend its research and development skills as well as its production infrastructure thanks to a recently received equity investment. 

Hybridworks is aggressively engaging more partners across a variety of sectors, including textiles, uniforms, fashion, plastics, waste management, and recycling, in order to expand the adoption of sustainable textile recycling processes.

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