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The Fiber Arts Plus Show at Belmar Arts Center

Published: July 1, 2020
Author: Neha

There are multiple artists who work with textiles — in different forms and styles. The Belmar Arts Centre’s exhibit in the Fiber Arts Plus Show, showcased the works of these artisans.

The Fiber Arts Plus Show featured 40 entries that were diverse in both materials and methods. On the materials side, fabric, yarn, metal, found objects, wood, rush, wheat, beads and felt were among the items used. And in terms of fiber-related media and techniques, many of these artists used quilting, crocheting, weaving and coiling, as well collage and assemblage to create their artwork.

The exhibit was being held during Women’s History Month “to highlight the traditional textile works of women and how they have evolved from being viewed as merely functional objects into expressions of meaning and art,’ said Sheila Kramer, the show’s committee chair.

Belmar Arts Council (BAC) established in 2004 as a volunteer-based organization with one major mission: To bring people together to discover, learn and celebrate the arts.

And one major vision: To develop the BAC as an inclusive community of artists with activities, education, and fellowship.

Its goals are to encourage the arts and support artists, to bring arts programming and education to all and to use the power of the arts to benefit the community.

The show is an outgrowth of the BAC’s Fiber Friday group, which brings together artists with shared interests. “We have a core group of about 10 to 12 members who meet every other month to share our current projects and try out new techniques. The group has attracted artists who work in a variety of media,” said Kramer, who started out as a traditional quilter about 17 years ago and soon began to make fabric collage art quilts to enter into quilt shows and challenges.

“Our group had a small show in the BAC lounge in December and it was so successful that we decided to plan a ‘fiber plus’ show, open to the public, as part of the regular 2020 schedule of shows at the BAC,” added Kramer, who serves as the group’s coordinator.

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