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Navigating a Renewable Carbon Future with the Program of  the CO₂-Based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2024 

Published: February 7, 2024

Redefining CCU Technology and Empowering Power-to-X  Solutions  

Hürth, 6 February 2024: With a current capacity of over 1.3 million tonnes for CO2-based products and  steadily growing demand, smart Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) technologies are helping to  establish CO2 as a renewable carbon feedstock. Innovative technologies and materials are crucial to  meet the increasing demand for fossil-free carbon, e.g. derived from CO2 or biomass, especially in the  chemical and fuel sector. Having established itself as a cornerstone in the evolution of this dynamic  field, the CO2-Based Fuels and Chemicals Conference has become a meeting ground, fostering  connections and showcasing the latest advancements in COcapture and utilisation.  

For the 12th time the conference program presents a comprehensive overview of the status quo, delving  into pivotal topics such as CCU, carbon capture technologies, biogenic CO2 sources and green  hydrogen production, Power-to-X for fuels, CO-based chemicals, materials, polymers, mineralisation,  advanced technologies, advanced research for CCU, and the fascinating realm of artificial  photosynthesis. A dedicated session on innovation, strategy and policy will delve into the crucial  discussion of framework conditions necessary to stimulate incentives and investments within this rapidly  expanding sector, offering valuable insights and future perspectives. 

The CO2-Based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2024 will take place on 17-18 April 2024 in Cologne,  Germany and online.  

From Green Hydrogen to CO2 to Chemicals and Fuels – A Medley of CCU  Technologies 

Day 1, 17 April 2024 

Innovation, Strategy and Policy 

Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) enables the substitution of fossil carbon in sectors where carbon  is necessary. It hereby supports the full defossilisation of the chemical and derived materials industries by creating a circular economy, reducing the emission gap, promoting sustainable carbon cycles,  fostering innovation, generating local value, and stimulating job growth. CCU is much more than a  carbon removal technology: the technology offers multiple solutions to pressing problems of our modern  world and can support several UN Sustainable Development Goals if implemented properly. Thus CCU  needs more political recognition and support, as its relevance as a central pillar for the transformation  of the chemical and material industry is not yet acknowledged, especially in Europe.

Press release nova-Institute for Ecology and Innovation

  • Michael Carus (nova-Institute) – The Importance of CCU in a Renewable Carbon Economy – Making the Case for CCU 
  • Célia Sapart (CO2 Value Europe) – The Contribution of CCU towards Net-Zero in EU Nicolas Hark and Matthias Stratmann (nova-Institute) – Policy and Sustainability in CCU – A  Status Quo 
  • Volker Sick (Global CO2 Initiative) – Policy Support for CO2 Capture and Conversion in the  USA 
  • Lena Friedmann (CM Fluids) – Renewable CO2 – Biogas Sector’s Perspective 

Biogenic CO2 Sources, Carbon Capture and Green Hydrogen Production 

To provide the full benefits of CO2 conversion technologies, the use of renewable energy and hydrogen  is indispensable and crucial for the production of CO2-based transportation and aviation fuels, bulk and  fine chemicals. Today, long established techniques as Fischer-Tropsch process for CO2 conversion are  now supported by electrochemistry for CO2 reduction to e.g. ethylene. The use of CO2 as a chemical  feedstock for building blocks and polymers has been intensively diversified. Learn about the extensive  and diversified use of CO2 as a renewable carbon source for the chemical, materials and construction  industry in Europe from leading research and industrial experts. 

  • Caroline Braun (Landwärme) – A Value Chain for Biogenic CO
  • Esther Hegel (DECHEMA) – CO2 from Biogas Plants: A Future Feedstock for Biotechnology? Mehdi Hssein (GIZ Morocco) – Carbon Sources and Capture in Morocco: Challenges and  Opportunities 
  • Oliver Ziegler (PtX Lab Lausitz (ZUG)) – Study Review: Scalable stand-alone Direct Air  Capture System using Zeolites 
  • Ulrich Dietz and Ralf Gesthuisen (CBL-Carbon Beyond Limits) – Amino-acid Based Carbon  Capture – A Novel, Efficient and Wide Range Applicable Carbon Capture Process Technology Marleen Rombouts and Ben Sutens (Flemish Institute for Technological Research – VITO)  – CO2 Capture Using Porous Structured Absorbents 

Presentations of the Nominees for the Innovation Award “Best CO2 Utilisation 2024” 

This session aims to honor and showcase pioneers in the field of CCU innovation. Six nominees will  present their cutting-edge technologies, materials and services, while the winner will be chosen by the  audience in a live vote. 

CO2 to Chemicals and Fuels 

The production of e-kerosene is mainly stimulated by a coming quota: According to the ReFuel Aviation  EU proposal, by 2030, 5 % of kerosene demand in the European Union would have to be met by  sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), of which a minimum share of 0.7 % of synthetic aviation fuels. By 2035,  the mandate is supposed to increase to 20 % SAF with a sub-quota of 5 % minimum of synthetic fuels. 

  • Michele Tedesco (TNO) – Towards Industrial Ethylene Electrosynthesis: Upscaling Hurdles  and Perspectives 
  • Florian Haakmann (thyssenkrupp Steel Europe) – Carbon2Chem® – CO2 Emissions from  Point Sources 
  • Lorenzo Cremonese (PtX Lab Lausitz (ZUG)) – Resource Demand of a GHG-neutral Aviation  Sector in Europe: A Study on e-Kerosene

CO2 to Polymers and Materials 

The use of CO2 as a chemical feedstock for building blocks and polymers has been intensively  diversified. Several successfully implemented technologies used at commercial level are in place and  many more at the laboratory and pilot phase. Additionally, using CO2 as a feedstock for the construction  industry via inorganic and organic carbonates is on the rise. Learn about the extensive and diversified  uses of CO2 as a renewable carbon source for the chemical, material and construction industry in Europe  from leading research and industrial experts. 

  • Christian Holzleitner (European Commision DG CLIMA) – European Perspectives on  Sustainable Carbon Cycles in Industry 
  • Pauline Ruiz and Pia Skoczinski (nova-Institute) – Status and Outlook for CO2-based  Products 
  • Simon Frølich (Danish Technology Institute) – From CO2 to Polymers 
  • Cecilia Mondelli (Sulzer Chemtech) – CO2-based Inorganic and Organic Carbonates to Green  Up Construction and Transport Sectors 
  • Thomas Mairegger (Net Zero Emission Labs) – CO2 Capture and Utilization Pave the Way  Towards a Climate Neutral Cement Production 

Advanced Research in CCU (Parallel Session) 

The portfolio of potential products from CO2 and renewable energies instead of fossil resources is nearly  infinite. Platform chemicals are produced from CO2, but also specialities such as proteins and fatty acids  made from CO2 are on their way. International highlights on currently ongoing research in the field of  Carbon Capture & Utilisation (CCU) are presented in this dedicated session. 

  • Francesca Di Bartolomeo (SINTEF AS) – The PYROCO2 Project. Advancing Carbon Capture  and Utilisation for Climate-Positive Acetone Production in Europe 
  • Lili Zhang (A*Star) – Research in Singapore on Low-Carbon Technologies and Alternative  Feedstocks for Sustainability 
  • Pegah Shakeri (Coatema Coating Machinery) – Innovative Approaches for Industrial Electrode  Production: A WaterProof EU Horizon Initiative 
  • Eman Albaher (Saudi Aramco) – The Development of Iron-based Core-shell Materials for the  Conversion of CO2 into Hydrocarbons 
  • Verena Süß (Fraunhofer ICT) – Further Developments in Heterogeneous Catalyzed Ethanol  Synthesis 


The registration is available at  

Partners and Sponsors 

The CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2024 is supported by numerous industry and trade  associations, non-profit organisations, research institutions and interest groups, that are thematically  linked to the conference: BCNP Consultants (DE), BBE – Bundesverband Bioenergie (DE),  C.A.R.M.E.N. e.V. (DE), ChemCologne (DE), CLIB – Cluster Industrial Biotechnology (DE), CO2Value  Europe (EU), Global CO2 Initative (International), IN4climate.NRW (DE), IBB – Industrielle  Biotechnologie Bayern Netzwerk (DE), kunststoffland NRW (DE), Plastics Europe (DE), Renewable  Carbon Initiative (International), VoltaChem (NL). 

The Innovation Award “Best CO2 Utilisation 2024” is co-organised by nova-Institute and CO2Value  Europe and sponsored by Yncoris. GIG Karasek supports the event as Bronze Sponsor.

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