Dyes & Chemicals | News & Insights


Published: April 26, 2022

Dyechem World Exhibition, from June 3-5, 2022, in Tirupur, is sold out.

The Indian textile dyes and chemicals industry has come out in support of Dyechem World. The exhibition is jointly organised by Tirupur’s NIFT-TEA College of Knitwear Fashion, AIC NIFT TEA Incubation Centre for Textiles and Apparels, Society of Dyers &Colourists, and Textile Excellence.

The event will be held at IKF Complex, Tirupur.

AMA Herbals, Bluwin, Britacel, CCPL, Chiripal, Colorband, Color Chem, Colorant, Colour India, Colourtex, DKTE, Dyeauxil, Dystar, Eskay Dyestuffs, Fineotex Chemicals, GCL, Hohenstein, Indokem, Kiri Dyes, Leomine Organics, N9, Neochem, Premier Colorscan, Pulcra, Rossari Biotech, Salasar Organics, Schutzen Chemicals, SF Dyes, Shree Pushkar Chemicals, Sohan Industries, Texanlab, Vishal Organics, ZDHC, are some of the companies that have confirmed participation.

Tirupur, the knitwear capital of India, accounts for 60% of India’s knitting, processing and apparel capacity and leads the path in re-starting textile and apparel business through the pandemic because of its resilience. By next year, Tirupur’s knitwear industry is set to cross Rs 50,000 crore industry mark and in three years, Tirupur is expected to double its capacity and exports from its current size. It is to be noted that Tirupur’s knitwear sector is investing in the latest high-end knitting, wet processing and garment technologies that complies with sustainability norms. Tirupur is among the first Indian apparel clusters to have invested in CETPs and environmental technologies for clean energy, chemical management and clean production practices. Almost all knitwear units in the cluster are linked to CETPs or have their own ETPs.

Thus, to service the need of the industry in Tirupur and Southern India,Dyechem will cover the entire range `of textile dyes, chemicals, finishes, processes, solutions. Being the first of its kind show in southern India, DyeChem World will create a platform for interaction and knowledge sharingbetween the dyes and chemicals and textile industry.

CEO Summit – Where the who’s who of the industry will congregate

The important highlight of the event will be the CEO Summit. The CEO Summit will be a gathering of head honchos from the global textile and apparel, fashion brands and retail industry. Whileprimary aim of the meet is to have highly interactive and candid networking for business, it wouldalso have serious deliberations on core issues of sustainable practices.

Watch this space as we will soon be announcing the speakers, panellists, for this event.

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