Ms. Janaki Mahar, a specialist in legal and ethical matters, led an Anti-Ragging presentation to kick off the second day of the Orientation Program. Students were taught about their rights, NIFT’s stringent zero-tolerance policy against ragging, and the value of preserving a welcoming and safe atmosphere at the institute by Ms. Mahar. After that, a class titled “Unboxing Your Personal Brand” was delivered by renowned coach and personal development consultant Ms. Riti Kapoor Chopra. In order to help students express themselves and their work with confidence in the cutthroat fashion and lifestyle market, she urged them to recognize and develop their own talents and qualities. An alumni engagement session with NIFT Mumbai alumni who are now well-known personalities in the industry took place later in the day.

Among these former employees were Deepit Chugh, who founded and served as the creative head of the menswear designer label LINEOUTLINE, Mr. Kunal Duhar, who oversaw design at Bombay Shirt Company; Ms. Sweta Gupta, who was a co-founder of SD ARTS AND Production, a jewelry production company; Ms. Yashni Kothari Agarwal, who founded and served as CEO of EI Pano, a consultancy firm; Ms. Lavina Galani, who was employed in NAOS Skincare India Limited’s e-commerce division; Ms. Nishant Upadhyaya, who oversaw the business head of Heathergrey Collective Hotels and Resort.
Dr. Sandeep Kelkar, a specialist in psychology and human behavior, gave a session on emotional intelligence to start the third day of the orientation program. Dr. Kelkar stressed the significance of empathizing with others and of being aware of, comprehending, and in control of one’s own emotions. The importance of emotional intelligence in leadership, decision-making, and interpersonal and professional interactions was emphasized in this session.
Ms. Sarika, a skilled artist and therapist, held a session titled “Resilience Through Creative Expression” as the program came to an end. She gave an example of how engaging in artistic pursuits can be a great way to communicate feelings, reduce stress, and develop resilience. Ms. Sarika urged students to embrace creativity as a tool for personal development in addition to using it as a professional talent.