Covid 19 | News & Insights | Textile Technology

Views of AMEC AMTEX Machinery Association from Spain

Published: April 26, 2020

Views of Mr. Oscar Rius, AMEC AMTEX’S new president

Covid 19 , Post effect in Spanish Textile Industry and Textile Machinery Industry.

Spain is being hardly affected by the Covid19 global crisis because most of the textile and machinery manufacturers had to stop its manufacturing activity for almost 2 weeks. Although all the reigning pessimism, the Spanish sector has found its own ways to be active, and during the Covid19 crisis has been providing materials and Machinery to the healthcare Spanish and international sector. We contributed and do a great effort to help the sanitary system to fight against this crisis.

During this time of in operancy many manufacturers had the time to work on their research and development ongoing projects, what will make the Spanish textile and machinery sector come back with a wide new set of products, ready to offer.

Export and Import Scenario post Covid 19

We consider that the levels of textile consumption will slightly increase in the upcoming months, but we know that we should be patient and be ready for our international clients. There is a lot of uncertainty on which countries will be the first to open borders and have commercial activity, this is why we are now working on our solutions and be ready to present an attractive offer combining rentability and sustainability to our clients.

– Industry revival Plan and strategies

The Spanish gov is working on different strategies to help industries to recover for this nonoperational period, those will go on enhancing final consumption of products and will also be injected directly to manufacturing companies.

We have adjusted our dimensions and taken care of our staff in order to be productive and prepared for the next scenario. The strategy will continue to be focused on international markets, most of the Spanish textile machinery manufacturers are exporting around 70-80% of their revenue and we will persist on this strategy. We will continue offering tailored solutions for textile & garment manufacturers, that is something that we are great on, we like to engage ourselves on different projects and draw a new solution for every single client.

Indian Market Focus and Strategies after lockdown

As Mr.Jordi Galtés has already mentioned, India is such an important and attractive market for us, we have stablished companies and others with a wide tradition of exporting to India. But we will not settle, our aim is to make an step forward and assemble different activities in India and bringing closer Spain to Indian textile & garment manufacturers.


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