cotton industry

New Issue of “Review” Takes a Deep Dive into Traceability Legislation

Published: March 7, 2024

Washington, DC — The latest edition of “Cotton: Review of the World Situation” dedicates all of its pages to an issue that has enormous implications for the entire cotton value chain: traceability legislation. It might not sound like a threatening topic, but the policies being developed right now have the potential to devastate not just cotton, but all natural fibers.

That’s because there can be no sustainability without traceability. Studies have shown that more than half of the environmental claims that companies make about their products are vague, misleading, or unfounded. As a result, governments are understandably developing their own policies to ensure such claims are accurate and justified, thus empowering consumers and rewarding businesses for their legitimate sustainability efforts.

However, it can be difficult for legislators to grasp the complexities of the textiles industry, and that is where the danger lies. All fibers — natural and otherwise — must be held to the same standard, but some of the major legislation being crafted now does not provide a level playing field.

This free, 35-page issue of the Review addresses that topic from multiple angles, including the perspectives of the four Permanent Committees in the ICAC’s Private Sector Advisory Council (PSAC):

  • Producers and ginners,
  • Merchants and related activities,
  • Spinners, weavers, and textile machinery manufacturers, and
  • Brands and retailers.

There also are articles from Dalena White, Secretary General of the International Wool Textile Organization; Lorena Ruiz, ICAC Economist and editor of the Review; Nate Herman, Senior Vice President of the American Apparel and Footwear Association; and Peter Wakefield, Chair of the PSAC.

To access this free edition of the Review, please click here.

About the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC)

Formed in 1939, the ICAC is an association of cotton producing, consuming and trading countries. It acts as a catalyst for change by helping Member governments maintain a healthy world cotton economy; provides transparency to the world cotton market by serving as a clearinghouse for technical information on cotton production; and serves as a forum for discussing cotton issues of international significance. In addition, Members can take advantage of the ICAC’s global network of cotton researchers, whose expertise covers the supply chain from farm to textile manufacturing, and have free access to its cutting-edge technologies like the voice-based app and virtual technology cotton training program. Committed to ensuring cotton’s continued sustainability, the ICAC is the only intergovernmental commodity body covering cotton that is recognized by the United Nations. For more information, please visit www.icac.orgTwitter or LinkedIn.

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