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Kerala Textile Policy

Published: March 1, 2020


To transform Kerala into a vibrant investment destination with an effervescent
entrepreneurial society through inclusive, Eco-friendly and sustainable economic
growth with the creation of employment opportunities with reasonable wages.
Kerala aims to become one of the top 10 ranking states in the country as far as Ease
of Doing Business is concerned.


Empower people and generate employment for sustainable overall development through industrial growth. Strengthen existing industries and make them more efficient. Mobilize MSMEs particularly in rural areas to achieve employment generation and utilization of local resources.

Ensure greater national and international investment in industrial sector. Introduce globally accepted standards in Technology, Quality and Management to rejuvenate the Public Sector Enterprises in the State. Encourage environment-friendly practices in enterprises.

Adopt participatory approach in industrial and infrastructure investments.
Enhance technical skills of young generation for improving their employment opportunities. Ensure respectable wages and income for those engaged in traditional manufacturing activities. Increase in industrial development through the development of the logistic sector.


While Kerala’s educated and skilled work force is quick to learn and adapt to new
production techniques, Eco-system where economic activity can be undertaken in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. Hence, it is proposed to implement the practice of ethical manufacturing, which is value addition without exploitation of labour including child labour and other repressive practices, and in harmony with the environment.

This Policy aims to eliminate corruption and inefficiency and to move forward by ensuring transparency and efficiency. Online facilities will be created for entrepreneurs and department heads for monitoring licensing and other statutory
certification process.

Encourage logistic skill development and employment which is having high potential for growth.

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