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Exports may cross $110 billion in Q1

Published: June 15, 2022

Des­pite the global head­winds, India’s exports in the June quarter are expec­ted to cross $110 bil­lion, finds Exim Bank. Exim Bank has pre­dicted that mer­chand­ise exports for the April-June quarter of FY23 will be around $117.2 bil­lion—growth of 22.7 per cent over the same quarter last year. Of this, non-oil exports are likely to account for $93 bil­lion. In the first quarter of FY22, the coun­try had clocked exports of $95.5 bil­lion and of this, non-oil exports was $82.6 bil­lion.

This will be the fourth con­sec­ut­ive quarter when mer­chand­ise exports would cross $100 bil­lion. The slow­down in growth across the globe and the Ukrain­ian crisis was expec­ted to hit exports in the June quarter. Exim Bank attrib­uted the rise in India’s exports largely to the con­tin­ued increase in global com­mod­ity prices.

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