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Business management

Published: March 14, 2024

Business management means family management, in a family, different genders live in one roof with different ages, minds, and with the same genetics, families are living with same genetic in one roof but there is also group, so controlling administration and discipline is a must required for the smooth running of the family.  control by any gender (either male or female), it’s not matter, if the Controller deals with proper input feedback from reliable resources, then the family runs smoothly otherwise day to day family split into groups, which is more painful to the controller if grousing developed under one roof, the smooth family converted to many leaders in that family, Same principle use in business house. So administration and discipline in respective area should be maintained in family or business 

Create fearless work in working environment with eye fear is must, which more sensitive to develop in business house. So make a good team, observation power and selection of employees for developing eye fear. Eye fear is respect fear comparatively punishment fear 

Each business firm has been keeping designated post as BUSINEE HEAD/ CEO/PLANT HEAD/UNIT HEAD/GM for controlling business, when gap developed between employer and employee, for that reason, success percentage will be changed, on that case percentage lower sides. So below point can helpful for concerned person   

10 fingers in business management (below details), each finger having different potential and different principles. So, each finger has potentials and principles that energy should be used by business management. SOP of each fingers are essential for smooth running of  business   

  • Leadership 
  • Resources allocation
  • Start of  art machine/modernization /new technology 
  • Research and development of product mix
  • Discipline/administration 
  • Utility and safety 
  • Recruitment
  • Optimistic of sales and purchase
  • Healthy environment
  • Operation management 


Genetic and well culture background enriches leadership style and well mature inside, comparatively self-motivated leaders.  Body language   also reflects in leadership style and personal values of any genders. Self-motivated leaders journeys from zero to legendary that takes time decade to decade, but there is good patience comparatively genetic leaders 

  Female leaders are more come out in last two decade with good energetic, dynamic, sound knowledge and with talent; they are served very smoothly in any platform.  Now a days digital engineering, digital media, social science and Google platform are learning to everyone and provides knowledge to any genders 

Female leaders are more sensitive in work and presentation level is higher than male genders because of extra work culture  with female is  more, for example, cookies, home decoration, systematic placing home things, manners and care nature to human being 

Quality of leadership

  • Time management 
  • Self-disciple
  • Sound knowledge about business product
  • Convince power more than others
  • Decision making power 
  • Observation power
  • Cool mind and patience in work place
  • Future forecasting about products and organization 
  • People management 
  • Extremely follow –up for any work going on 
  • Should be humble person
  • Strategic of other competitor
  • Permutation and combination formula required for any problem 
  • Communication skill  
  • Ownership nature in work 

Resources allocation 

Utilization of 4M (money, man, material and machine)


  • Adopt new technology for easy to operation for better productivity
  • Digital engineering
  • Digital administration   technique
  • Paperless work in operation 
  • Technology update to ground line staffs 
  • Monitoring productivity process

Research and development 

  • New innovation 
  • Creative mind for new design/product
  • Strategic for the implementation any new product or system
  • Continues follow up for new technology and sampling

Healthy environment

Working place and organization premises should be keep healthy for better human efficiency 

Competition among employee regarding skill  , job knowledge , cultural event , sports activity, digital knowledge , training about new technology if any implementation is there ,awarded for winner of any events    

Optimistic sales and purchase

Sales and purchase co relation in both for currency balancing , finish goods are optimistic for sale than purchase of anything like (raw material , spare parts or new technology ).purchase balancing is required for better productivity , but finish goods stock minimize , if there is no any forecasting of planning of   sales .


 Recruitment is vital role for any organization for productivity, discipline, quality of product and human efficiency

Selection of employee of selective area is very sensitive for organization 

Utility, safety and hygienic 

Utility indirect effects in operation management, for example, water shortage, compressor failure, breakdown any utility equipment and   food supply chain disturbed, safety and human hand equipment are not placed, on that way human efficiency decreased due to waiting time increased 

So utility department is always alerted for no any disturbance throughout the year to year, utility maintenance is planned and proper routine is maintained, then breakdown will be zero. 


Discipline is everywhere and every place is required for better operation management, grievance will be zero on any grounds for controlling the operation of any firm.

Operation management 

Every costing calculation is based on operation management, all fingers are working together, and then operation management will succeed. Organizational behavior will be reflected better if human behavior in operation management runs smoothly. Operation management is the discipline of business activity to deliver the highest level of efficiency within an organization 

Safety and utility  operation management  leadership
technology Discipline 
Business management  
Optimistic sale and purchase Research and development
Resources allocation Recruitment  Healthy environment 

Conclusion – Business management is a road map from starting of the journey, never ends the journey in business if the growing percentage is unexpected.  Observation things like humans, working environment, SOP in operation management, and watching every corners and finger (dept.), then some expectation is there for the smooth running of business house People management is very critical to increase organizational behavior because of more expectations from others 

To minimize negativity in operation management for increasing organizational behaviors in the business house 

In business management, one thumb rule is, the analysis of data’s day-to-day activity and finding a solution from experience, present situation,  observation, and decision-making power. 

 Digital platforms, technology, and SOP in operation management could be a possibility to control people management  

Business management is not a book, reading, and implementation, it’s comes from experience, face reading, observation power, decision-making power, honest in work, teamwork, and people management. I share my own experience and own thoughts for controlling any business house, maybe someone like or not, but not take any negative for the above article, if not like 

I express my valuable thinking and observation from my work experience for controlling business firms/houses/industries. Nothing more 

Thanks .



Chartered Engineer (Textile), MBA and valuer

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