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Yagi & Co., Ltd. to Showcase Nishijin-ori Textile Brand, PRAWEFT, at Milano Unica

Published: January 19, 2024

Yagi & Co., Ltd., a renowned textile company, announced its participation in the upcoming Milano Unica, a prestigious textile  trade fair held in Milan, Italy. The event will take place from  January 30 to February 1, 2024. It will feature the unveiling of their latest creation: PRAWEFT, a fashion textile brand developed in collaboration with the Nishijin Textile Industrial Association.

Nishijin-ori, a traditional Japanese textile style, has a rich history dating back to the 15th century. Craftsmen from the Nishijin region have been producing exquisite textiles primarily for kimono, obi, and Japanese garments. However, they have also expanded into interior decorating, creating intricately woven silk fabrics adorned with gold and silver yarns.

With the introduction of PRAWEFT, Yagi & Co., Ltd. aims to showcase the versatility of Nishijin-ori in the field of fashion textiles. By incorporating elements of traditional craftsmanship with modern designs, the brand seeks to elevate Nishijin-ori beyond its traditional use and explore new possibilities in the realm of bags, accessories, and interior decorations.

Milano Unica, known as a global hub for apparel fabrics, attracts  buyers from renowned fashion brands worldwide. Yagi & Co., Ltd., alongside the Nishijin Textile Industry Association, will operate a booth at the event, showcasing a diverse range of textiles under the PRAWEFT brand. The brand’s collection blends the timeless techniques of Kyoto Nishijin-ori with innovations, technologies, and a commitment to sustainability.

Enthusiasts and industry professionals can visit Yagi & Co., Ltd.’s booth at the Japan Observatory Hall 12, JOB C 05, to witness the exquisite craftsmanship of Nishijin-ori firsthand. For more information about Milano Unica, visit their official website at

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