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Up cycling : Consumer awareness survey report

Published: July 7, 2020
Author: Muthu

Upcycling, also known as creative reuse, is the process of transforming by-products, waste materials, useless, or unwanted products into new materials or products of better quality and environment value. Designers have begun to use both industrial textile waste and existing clothing as the base material for creating new fashions. Upcycling has been known to use either pre-consumer or post-consumer waste or possibly a combination of the two. Pre-consumer waste is made while in the factory, such as fabric remnants left over from cutting out patterns. Post-consumer waste refers to the finished product when it’s no longer useful to the owner, such as donated clothes.
Often, people practice linear economy where they are content to buy, use, and then throw away. This system contributes to millions of kilos of textile waste being thrown away and makes fashion is the second-most polluting industry after oil. The main purpose of this survey is about the knowledge about upcycling. As common people how much we know about upcycling? Do we know how is it done? Would we as commoners will accept and buy upcycled garments? And many more.

Survey was mostly replied by college young students to study and for us to know their knowledge about upcycling, recycling and sustainability. 79.9% of the participants were from age 15years to 25years, 16.4% of participants were from age 26years to 35years, 7.3% of participants from age 36years to 45years. And 1.8% from all 46years to 55 years, 56years to 65 years and 66years to 75 years.

As mentioned above the most of participants are from college or students. The survey regarding knowledge about upcycling was done. Were, 69.1% are students, 14.5% ae corporate job holders, 10.9% are professionals, 1.8% employee, 1.8% are fashion designers and 1.8% are management consultant.

Income per month:
Survey was mostly replied by college young students to study and for us to know their knowledge about upcycling, recycling and sustainability. Were 54.7% are no income group which are students. 24.5% are below 30,000 Rs salaried group, 11.3% are from 30,000 Rs to 50,000 Rs salaried group, 5.7% are people having salary from 50,000 Rs to 1lakh rupees and 3.8% are people having salary above 1 lakh rupees.

How frequently you go for shopping?
Many people love shopping very much and go for shopping very frequently were some of them just do it as per their needs. The buys capacity pays an important role in increasing the textile waste and leads to textile pollution. According to study 32.7% people go for shopping once in a month, 20% people go for shopping once in three months, 14.5% people go for shopping once in two months, 12.7% people go for shopping after 6 months or more, 9.1% people go for shopping once in 6months and 5.5% of people go shopping once in a week also, 5.5% people go shopping twice a week

How many clothes you do buy at a time?
Do understand the and study the consumer buying habits and to study their knowledge about upcycling and recycling we need to study consumers buying capacity too.54.5% people by 1 to 2 pairs of clothes at a time shopping, 36.4% of people would buy 3 to 5 pairs of clothes at the time if shopping and 9.1% people would buy 5 to 10 pair of clothing at a time of shopping.

Price range you normally buy?
Pricing of your garments or buying depends on market place and also the buying capacity/budget. 52.7% of people normally buy from range 500 Rs to 1000 Rs, 27.3% of people buy from range 1000 Rs to 2000 Rs, 12.7% people buy from range 2000 Rs to 5000 Rs and 7.3% buy from range below 500 Rs.

Do you know about upcycling/recycling of clothes?
Upcycling is a concept of adding value and giving new life to product. We’re 74.5% of people know about the concept of upcycling and recycling, 12.7% of people have not heard about this concept and doesn’t know about this concept And 12.7% people have heard about this concept but doesn’t know about this concept of upcycling.

How did you come across this information and knew about this term?
Upcycling, recycling and sustainability are some concepts which are lately to be known and practiced by many people. 25.9% of people come to know from friends, 24.1% people came to know from education institute, 22.2% people came to know from social media, 13% people know from media and 13% people know from work places.

Have you ever bought upcycled clothes or any material?
These days many brands and designers are coming up with products of this concept of upcycling were 61.1% people have not yet bought any upcycled garments, 24.1% of people have may be bought upcycled garments but they don’t know and 14.8% people have bought and wore upcycled garments.

Do you know any brands or designers who sell upcycled/recycled clothes?
As mentioned in above questions 64.8% of people don’t know any designer’s and who work in field of upcycling, 24% of people know some designers and brands who work in upcycling field and 11.1% of people are not sure that they know designer and brands working in this field.

States the names of upcycled/recycled brands and designers you know?
Some of the brand’s and designers working in the field of upcycling are péro, new leaf, doodlage, 11.11, Ka sha, AM.IT, REUSO and many more according to our study.

Would you like to buy upcycled and recycled garments?
From this study we also come to know that 48.1% of people are really keen and ready to buy upcycled garments and accessories were 35.2% people are still unsure about buying decision for upcycling garments they might buy or they might not buy upcycled garments and 16.7% are people who are not convinced and might be not ready to buy upcycled garments.

Would you buy upcycled/recycled clothes over new clothes?
These days new garments have become so pocket friendly, east to buy and same time trending so we also wanted to know that people would like to choose upcycled garments over new garments so, 47.3% people are confused or may be unsure that they might buy or not but upcycled garments, 32.7% people are ready to take a step towards upcycling and wants to buy upcycled garments and there are still 20% people who are not ready to buy upcycled garments over new garments.

If you buy upcycled/recycled articles, at what price you would like to buy?
From the study done we came to know that are 48.1% people who want to buy upcycled garments at 500Rs to 1000Rs range, 48.1% people who would like to buy at range of 300Rs to 500Rs 5% people may buy it for 1500Rs to 2000Rs and 1% people who want to buy at range of 1000Rs to 1500Rs range.

What drawbacks you feel about upcycled/recycled clothes?
As we mentioned there are still some people who are either not ready to buy upcycled garments or some are confused and are abyss for taking decision to buy or not. We’re, 32.1 people feel upcycled garments may have hygiene and cleanliness issues, 22.6% people think due to recycling and upcycling the quality may be Detroiter, 17% of people think it might not be as durable as new products, 15.1% people feel than they don’t want to use second hand material, We’re 9.4% people think it might not be that stylish as compared to the new once and the remaining once think price are the problem were they find it have compatively higher price.

Due to increasing demand for sustainable products, according to you what are the opportunities in this field?
According to the study we have come across various opportunities in this field people think designer and brands so come up with more Unique ideas and they should also concentrate towards creating awareness about this concept.

From this study we came to know that upcycling, recycling and sustainability are the new demands of nature from us comman people and also for designers and brands to come up with this concept of upcycling, recycling and sustainability to control the Textile waste and also to create some awareness about this concept because there are still so many people who are unknown from this concept so designer’s and brands should concentrate of marketing their products very nicely and also same time educational institution should also teach students about this concepts to encourage new young designers to work on this field. It has very high scope of future development and also have many opportunities.

Please find a complete report with graphs. 

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