Apparel, Fashion & Retail | News & Insights


Published: April 7, 2022
As per the most updated data, the European Union (excluding U.K.) imported USD 16.87 billion worth of apparel from Bangladesh in 2021, while their import from the world was US$ 85.32 billion. With 19.78% share of EU’s total apparel import, Bangladesh remains the 2nd largest apparel source for EU after China.  EU’s import from Bangladesh increased by 18.99% in 2021 compared to the previous year 2020, while their global apparel import grew by 8.50%.

China, being the top apparel import source for EU and having a 30.21 % share, registered 9.19% Y-O-Y growth.  EU’s imports from China reached USD 25.78 billion dollars in 2021. Turkey is the third largest source of apparel import for EU which posted 17.06% growth during the same period. EU imported USD 10.89 billion worth of clothing from Turkey. Other countries having significant growth are Morocco 26.24%, Pakistan 26.07%, Sri Lanka 18.77%, and India 18.67%.

This may also be noted that during the past 10 years (2011-2021), the value of EU’s apparel import from Bangladesh has grown by 5.97% on average annually, whereas their import from the world has shown 0.03% average annual decline. EU’s import from China dropped by -3.32% annually during the mentioned period of time. Among the top apparel supplying countries to EU, countries having positive annual growth are Pakistan 7.98%, Vietnam 5.70%, and Sri Lanka 3.72%, Turkey 0.78%, and Morocco 0.29%. Countries which have shown negative annual growths during the mentioned period are India -2.61% and Indonesia -3.33%.

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