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Plastic clothing – we tend to forget

Published: December 16, 2020

You’d be surprised to know that plastic is used in textiles more than one can imagine. It is the reason why our clothes have so much tenacity and flexibility. It is the product used to make it water resistant or even germ free. Most common use is in spandex in the form of synthetic fibre and all we think is cotton and wool while thinking of fabric.

Just as one forgets to give significant role to an actoress in a hero centric movie same way one forgets how much plastic is used to make the fabric. Though its not a thing to be proud of but that’s how plastic rules our world – a world that is dyeing because of massive use of plastics.

Thus after realization on how harmful it is, sustainable fashion comes into picture. It is that fashion which uses natural fibre or at least chemical free fabric to make clothes and stuff.

One should realize fashion is not just wearing new trends or new clothes every time but it is styling of what you already have , thrifting and DIYing. One should reduce the buying of new clothes, start reusing the old clothes, and recycle the old clothes (best example Kantha and patch work quilts).


Article by

Ragini Gupta

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