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Published: August 2, 2022

Highlights for Q1 FY23 Consolidated Financials 

Topline of ₹2,340cr with a growth of 44% YoY 

Gross Profit stood at ₹372cr, grew by 32% YoY 

EBITDA grew by 113% YoY to ₹73cr  

PAT stood at ₹44cr, grew by 141%1 YoY 

Reported ROCE 30% and ROE 28%

Mumbai, 1st August 2022: PDS Limited (erstwhile known as PDS Multinational Fashions Ltd),  a leading global fashion infrastructure platform offering product development, designated  sourcing, manufacturing and supply chain management catering to leading global brands and  retailers, has announced its financial results for Q1 FY23. 

Key performance highlights (Q1 2023 vs Q1 2022) (Consolidated): Revenue from Operations increased by 44% to ₹2,340cr from ₹1,626cr in Q1 FY22 Reported Gross Profit ₹372cr compared to ₹281cr, increased by 32% EBITDA Margin increased by 102bps to 3.1% from 2.1% 

PAT stood at ₹44cr vs adjusted PAT1 of ₹18cr in Q1 FY22, a growth of 141% Basic EPS stood at ₹14.19 

The sourcing segment clocked a topline of ₹2,216cr accounting for 95% of the Company’s  topline with a growth of 42% compared to the previous year. The segment reported an EBIT  of 2.7% with a ROCE of 42%. The Company is continuously making inroads and expanding its  presence in the US market which constituted 18% of the top line in the current quarter  compared to 11% last year.  

The manufacturing segment recorded growth of 78% with a topline of ₹169cr vs ₹95cr in last  year. The segment turned profitable in Q4 FY22 and continued its profitability journey with a  reported PAT margin of 2% in the current quarter.  

Mr. Pallak Seth, Vice Chairman, PDS Limited expressed, “The developed markets are facing  headwinds with inflation, rising cost, and uncertainties due to geopolitical factors. However,  this is creating opportunities for PDS to win strategic long-term contracts by offering exclusive  sourcing as a service to leading retailers and brands. We expect to continue our growth  

1 Q1 FY22 excluding the profit from sale of real estate (₹41cr) 

trajectory with cautious optimism. It’s our multi-country, multi-product business model that  makes us stronger and makes us deliver a robust performance in spite of macro challenges.” 

Commenting on the results, Mr. Sanjay Jain, Group CEO, PDS Limited said, “Today, we are no  longer just a fashion company but have transformed into a global innovation-led fashion infrastructure company, powered by a robust governance framework. Our agility and robust  business model have enabled us to deliver strong topline growth of 44% and EBITDA growth  of 113% compared to last year. This has translated into the Company achieving 30% ROCE and  28% ROE. With the manufacturing business now contributing to the bottom line, we expect  we would continue on our trajectory of higher returns. ” 

PDS’s strength lies in strong leadership, focus on Environmental Social, and Governance  factors (ESG), financial growth, tech-savvy platform, and the ability to feed innovation and  newness. As the company grows and delivers, the core of the business remains its  commitment to sustainable fashion. In FY2021-22, the company took a new step towards  bolstering its service offerings under the Sourcing as a Service customized solution. With this,  PDS is pioneering highly integrated and specialized sourcing services for its customers. The  Company has focused its efforts on scaling its business model, fostering strategic  partnerships, and recalibrating its day-to-day functioning to transition into the next phase of  growth. 

Lastly, the shareholders of the Company approved a stock split in the ratio of 5 (five) shares  for every 1 (one) equity share and a final dividend of ₹23.85 per share for the financial year  ended March 31, 2022, in its Annual General Meeting held on Friday, July 29, 2022. 

About PDS Limited: ( 

PDS Limited operates an integrated design-led platform offering product development,  sourcing, virtual manufacturing, and distribution for major brands and retailers worldwide.  The Company operates a vast global network covering over 50 offices, 22 countries, and over  3,300 associates and 5,800 associates & factory workers worldwide. 

The Company reported consolidated revenues of ₹8,828cr in fiscal 2021-22, an increase of  1.8x over the last five years. Further, Profit after tax has increased at a 5-year CAGR of 50%,  with a ROCE of 38% in 2021-22. Notwithstanding the business disruptions caused due to  COVID pandemic, the Company is taking steps to minimize the impact and ensure the safety  and well-being of its employees, business partners, and communities. 

The Company is listed on the BSE Ltd. (538730) and the National Stock Exchange of India Ltd  (PDSMFL).

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