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GoodWeave & Fair Wear announce partnership to improve working conditions in apparel & textile supply chains

Published: August 22, 2023

AMSTERDAM, 22 August 2023GoodWeave International and Fair Wear Foundation have joined forces to address child and forced labour in hidden and informal parts of apparel and textile supply chains. With European Union mandatory human rights due diligence legislation under development, the organisations’ combined expertise is even more relevant for companies seeking to respect human rights and conduct responsible business.

Fair Wear member companies sourcing from India are encouraged to become GoodWeave licensees and benefit from deep supply chain mapping and inspections for child, forced and bonded labour that reach beyond Tier One factories and into sub-contracted and home-based worksites where the majority of exploitation takes place. Remediation and prevention programs are also carried out.

Additionally, GoodWeave will serve as a knowledge partner for Fair Wear and as a resource for member companies on child, forced and bonded labor identification, remediation and prevention. “We are pleased to collaborate with GoodWeave to further advance our member companies’ human rights due diligence efforts,” said Suhasini Singh, Head of Supply Chain Engagement at Fair Wear Foundation. “We’ve successfully worked together on a previous project and chose to continue partnering with GoodWeave given their expertise in stopping child labour and creating supply chain visibility specifically related to subcontracted and home-based worksites.”

“GoodWeave and Fair Wear Foundation’s work is very aligned, and we both focus on collaborative partnerships with buyers and exporters, which makes this a great fit,” said Silvia Mera, Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships and Advocacy at GoodWeave International. “We look forward to continuing our work together and to serving as a resource for apparel and textile companies looking to improve their human rights due diligence.” 

About GoodWeave International

GoodWeave — a nonprofit organisation founded in 1994 by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Kailash Satyarthi — is the leading international institution working to stop child labor in global supply chains through a market-based system and holistic approach. GoodWeave partners with companies and local producer communities to bring visibility to hidden supply chains; protect workers’ rights; provide assurance that products are free of child, forced and bonded labour; and restore childhoods. Look for the GoodWeave® certification label on rug and home textile products. Learn more at Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

 About Fair Wear Foundation

At Fair Wear, we are accelerating the movement toward a world where garment workers see their human rights realised, where change is driven through freedom of association, and the global value chain a source of safe, dignified and properly paid employment. As a true multistakeholder initiative, we connect and convene brands, factories, workers, trade unions, NGOs and other industry influencers. We strive to bring our shared vision to the broader industry to push for alignment and action by utilising each stakeholder’s unique leverage. With our 140 member brands, frontrunners in the sector, we develop practical solutions and show how to advance progress. We guide and assess brands and promote the full and mandatory implementation of the OECD guidelines for human rights due diligence across the industry. Their efforts are publicly assessed and serve to inspire the whole of the sector. Learn more at

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