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Airlaid Line Installed by Magic Srl in Italy

Published: July 2, 2021
Author: Manali bhanushali
Magic Srl in Italy has received a completely new airlaid production line from Campen Machinery.
Magic Srl, a Slovenian business, created and manufactured their own airlaid range. Campen, an Italian business that specializes in turning air into thermal bonded products for the culinary, medical, personal care and safety, and cleaning industries, was bought by the corporation. Magic Srl chose Campen as their preferred supplier because of their experience with high-quality machinery and product development.
The Campen airlaid line, which includes hammer mill lines, fibre openers, drum forming heads, SAP dispensers, compactors, thermal bonding ovens, a calendar unit with cooling zone, process air filter, and humidification system, was delivered in late 2019. The machinery was operating well until a worldwide epidemic struck Europe in the early spring of 2020. Due to the Covid-19 issue and travel limitations, the production line could not be completed until June 2021, when the line was authorised at customer factory testing.
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