The MAS and the Trents have a domain expertise in the undertake design, development and the manufacturing of a variety of range of intimate wear and other apparel products. The design and the source of related products.
Over the last 30 years, MAS has gained a good image worldwide for its ethical and sustainable working environment as well as the craftsmanship. The MAS has plans of change in the company’s commitment so as to create a sustainable change in the 3 pillars- products, lives and the planet. The main aim of MAS is to inspire its employees by enabling the dreams and the enriching the fabrics of life in the planet. MAS is the latest tech company for apparels. It is among the most recognized design and delivery solution that provides apparels and textile manufacturing. It has a global community of 118,000 as of today. It is spread across 17 countries. Also, the portfolio has been expanded.
According to Noel Tata, “ We see significant opportunities to leverage the growing reach of our brands to build a differentiated propositions in lingerie, active wear and related categories. MAS brings impeccable capabilities and track record in the manufacture of high- quality products in the pace. This collaboration between Trent and MAS would deepen Trent’s strategic commitment to offer fully owned brands at its retail stores and enable MAS to expand their international presence further. We are excited at the prospects of leveraging or joint synergies and deliver greater value to our customers”
The Westside have a footprint of 18000 to 34000 sq.ft across 127 cities. Westside has a wide variety of accessories, apparels, foot wears, cosmetics , home apparels and perfumes. Each store has a very good ambience, superiors merchandise and has a excellent service.
Whereas, Zudio operates with the store to meet the product categories to meet all the needs of the customers. Apparels and footwear for men, women and kids are available.