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806.73 Crore released under North East Region Textile Promotion Scheme

Published: July 31, 2021
Author: Manali bhanushali

Under North East Region Textile Promotion Scheme (NERTPS), 38 Sericulture projects are being implemented in the identified potential districts of all North Eastern States under four broad categories viz., Integrated Sericulture Development Project (ISDP), Intensive Bivoltine Sericulture Development Project (IBSDP), Eri Spun Silk Mills (ESSM) and Development of Sericulture in Aspirational Districts (AD) with a total projects cost of Rs.1,107.90 crore, of which Government of India’s share is Rs.956.01 crore. The broad   category-wise status of projects implemented under NERTPS in NE states is as detailed below:

S.No. Particulars No. of Projects GoI share status

(Rs. Cr.)

Allocated Released Utilized
1 Integrated Sericulture Development Project (ISDP) 20 566.53 503.46 440.30
2 Intensive Bivoltine Sericulture Development Project (IBSDP) 10 258.74 230.86 198.60
3 Eri Spun Silk Mills 3 57.28 19.55 0
4 Aspirational Districts (AD) 5 73.47 52.86 39.45
  Total 38 956.01 806.73 678.35

Funds of Rs.68.26 Crore have been allocated during last three years under NERTPS scheme for silk sector in Assam state.

The funds have been allocated under NERTPS scheme based on the Detailed Project Report (DPR) of the project and its approval by Project Approval and Monitoring Committee (PAMC) subject to compliance of GFR rules and scheme guidelines.

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