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Magazine Editorial


Published: May 26, 2020


Soon COVID 19, will be a common noun in English Dictionary. During this period of the last 3 months, the whole world is only moving around this word. COVID 19/Corona virus is whether de- veloped by in the factory or it is a natural outcome, is not the concern now! As time has already flown off, and the economy of the world is already in a stack. A virus has evolved and revolved around the world which is in dire need of vaccine or medicine as antidote.At macro-level, the Global world now becomes the local world, a journey from globalization to localization is an indi- vidual adapting at micro-level, form oOuter world to inner world journey. People always run behind material aspects of life, such as too much of pampering of a beautifying body, which will be perished once the soul departs from it. He/she is collecting ma- terial things which seem to them all important after their basic needs of life are met . Attraction to the outer world, living fake life of superficial nature, immersed in social media may seem to be enjoyable, but the inner world of the individual is empty, full of great void and individual is in constant search for truth and real life.

This pandemic has given the massage social distancing rather than distancing hearts from each other, which anyways we were following earlierour urge to showcase our superficial life in our social media, the physical gatherings used to be clicked which consisted no meaningful socialising. This pandemic showed the face of our true self as to whetherthe inner journey has been undertaken in a true sense making it peaceful, soul searching journey. New world is inviting us to embrace a new normal of work from home in a flexible manner with increased productivity, making physical traveling not necessary.

Virtual world is going to be the new reality of life. Medical textiles which was ignored by Indians till recently , Indians being known for exploiting opportunities in business and fairly being technol- ogy savvy developed PPE kits so fast, as it never needed much of rocket science. Making use of already available nonwoven fab- rics with a medical finish, they made the PPE garments like any other apparel. PPE coverall is called a cover, and not a garment as it’s not breathable and uncomfortable to wear, in direct con- tact with skin. Next innovation needs to be nonwoven material which can be usable in direct contact with skin. Use and throw garments may be needed to avoid contamination; but the envi- ronment care , recycling, waste management will be important aspectswhich need to be worked on as a safe and biodegrad- able disposable waste will be a new normal.

Wish you happy reading and I shall be delighted to receive your feedback.

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