Educationist / Academician | In-Depth Analysis | Interviews


Published: August 26, 2022

Dr. P. Alli Rani, Director, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International School of Textiles & Management (SVPISTM), Coimbatore which is an international institution providing comprehensive Education, Training, Consultancy and Research in Textile Management. SVPISTM is a unique institute under the Ministry of Textiles offering courses approved by AICTE. The Institute was set up by the Government of India, Ministry of Textiles in 2002. SVPISTM is located in Coimbatore.

Dr. Alli Rani replied to an email from TVC with the following answers, given below:

Tell us about your educational qualifications. What motivated you to complete your studies till PhD?

M.A (Economics)., M. Phil (Economics)., Ph.D (Economics (Mergers & Acquisitions)). My grandmother and my fondness for the subject, was my sole motivator.

As a part of being an academician, research is an integral part. How do you develop a research temperament or what motivates you to carry out research in your labs?

When you have a curious and scientific mind you seek answers through research, since there is no other way of establishing your hunch. This is not true only for academicians, but for all. 

Would you like to share some interesting incidents/ instances that happened with you while working as a consultant to different industries.

I was part of the Boards and Management of several industries in the telecom, logistics and cotton sectors. The list of the industries is enclosed. As you can see I was lucky to have been in senior positions in different types of industries ranging from communication, logistics, agricultural trading and cotton. May be someday I shall write a book as my experiences are numerous. 

What are the major differences in the industries earlier and now? Tell us about the work ethics as well apart from the technological advancements

The technological environment has totally changed. While work has become faster, it is true that the machines are slowly taking over. Work ethics have still a lot of scope to improve but it has to permeate the society first before it permeates the work environment. 

How do you teach/ inform your students about the latest developments in the industry and make them ready for working in the industry?

Internships, seminars, webinars, industrial visits, expert lectures are some methods through which we make them industry ready.

How do you think the pandemic has affected the education system? Tell us both the pros and cons

 The pandemic has catalysed the process of digitalisation in education. Children have become both dependent on and adept in using digital tools. Whether it is a good or bad thing for humanity, time will tell. As of now we can only say that while students use digital tools and applications to a large extent, a large section of them is staying away from writing and reading books due to lack of time. 

 How is a sound knowledge of finance necessary in the textile industry?

 A sound knowledge of finance is equally necessary in all industries.

How do management studies help students who have studied textile and apparel?

Whatever your area of specialisation, an entrepreneur requires managers to manage his business. Management studies equips students with management tools and teaches ways to use them efficiently to increase productivity. 

Is there any new innovation in the sector that you felt is something different or very important to the growth of the industry?

Data management is evolving as an important skill to increase productivity.  The power that analysis of data gives to management, has become massive with digitalisation when I say power, I mean the power to take timely & accurate decisions.

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