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Innovative fibers – Performance fabrics by Smartext Solutions

Published: August 3, 2018

INVISTA’s Authorized Sales Representative and Distributor in  India for their  LYCRA® Fiber, LYCRA® T400® Fiber, COOLMAX® Fiber, THERMOLITE® Fiber and  ELASPAN® Fiber.     USP: Best in class service & Technical know-how.

  1. What inspire you to Start A Company in Textile and what is Purpose behind it? Starting year of business, Mission / Vision

A burning desire to be an entrepreneur from an employee is a driving force behind the starting of an own company, apart from providing goods and service, we pro-actively support entire value chain for developing new product and  best VIU (Value in Use) to leverage the maximum potential of the products supplied.

We started our company in the month of January 2016 as an ambassador of INVISTA in India with a mission of high level responsibility to defend and grow the INVISTA’s 60 years old strong global consumer validated brand LYCRA® Fiber in India.

Smartext vision is 100% commitment to follow our guiding principles {Integrity, compliance, customer focus, value creation, accepting change, respect to all, humility & fulfilment} with letter and spirit Smartext want to become the front-line service provider in selling and marketing of differentiated and Innovative textiles solutions from world leading fiber and yarn manufactures.

2. What all Challenges / Hardship you faced during the journey?

Leaving an established long professional career with a well-known multinational company behind and setting up something at our own was not an easy task. However, in our case the great support from INVISTA and timely guidance from team leaders helped us to a large extent to face and overcome all initial challenges. We also able to get right talents and right infrastructure with a supporting team for our organization meet the market expectations.

3. What all opportunities & Achievement your brand received till date?

With started with the initial nervousness to perform better and add value to the international brand like LYCRA® Fiber industry but our valuable customers given a great support in the last two and half years, to grow the business and enhance LYCRA® Fiber brand equity in the Indian market place. There are leading brands like Levi’s India, VF India, Jockey India, FBB and Allen-Solley continued to show the great trust in INVISTA LYCRA® Fiber brand by launching new garment range every year on the other side the leading mills like Arvind Ltd, Vardhman Group, Raymond, Banswara and Hemlon are actively supported the downstream customers with quality fabrics & yarn with INVISTA products.

4. What are your 7P’s of marketing mix?

With the active support of INVISTA leadership team we constantly support Indian market to grow their both Domestic & Export business with great level of commitment through the world class product quality coupled with many other supports like innovation, product development, co-promotion & joint product launches in the market place. INVISTA also support Indian mills with the pull business from international big apparel brands.

5. What has been your approach towards product innovation? Research & Development strategies?

INVISTA being globally known for innovation market leadership, our responsibility to bring those innovations to the right partners in India with know-how on product development & bringing to India market.

6. How has your company kept pace with technological upgradation over the years?

Although we are in service industry we have made our sincere efforts to adopt the best possible technology in the market to service our esteemed customers across India.   We also do get tremendous technical supports from INVISTA.

7.Did you find any drastic impact of GST on or before GST on your business?

We whole heartedly welcomed GST – the new tax regime. We are one among the early adopters of this system with 100% compliance. Integrity & compliance being way of our life and we witness GST system made our business transaction smooth and hassle free.

8.What are the current issues being faced by Fibre and yarn segment? Do you have any suggestions for improvement?

In our point of view Indian textile industry that too,  upstream value chain members like yarn mills & process houses are very slow in adopting a new technologies & investment in product development/ innovation for example INVISTA patented dual core yarn production system in spite of having a great potential Indian mill are still slow in adopting new technology. In our point of view a better focus on innovation & R&D can help great way to mills to develop value added and performance products both for international and domestic markets.

9. What is your take on the future scenario of your segment in the domestic as well as global market?

We see a tremendous growth opportunity for INVISTA performance and differentiated products in the coming years. With a cultural change and increased men and women going to work place, we see tremendous growth in stretch garments. Also, quality stretch fabrics requirement brings a great opportunity for INVISTA LYCRA® Fiber & INVISTA LYCRA® T400® Fiber. The current trend is also for fashion with function which again brings opportunity for INVISTA technology platforms like DualFX®, LYCRA® Beauty, LYCRA® Sports, LYCRA® Black technology, COOLMAX® Fabrics & THERMOLITE® Fabrics.

10.Where do you see your company in next 5 and 10 years?

We firmly believe that with consistent and committed approach towards creating value to principles and entire textile value chain will keep us growing more than the market growth.


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