In-Depth Analysis | Market Reports | Yarn Price

Yarn Price Watch Report

Published: March 13, 2019


Ethylene prices in Asian markets inched up in November supported by healthy Chinese demand ahead of the 2018 term discussions and due to rising upstream values.In US, ethylene spot prices fell during the month amid restarting crackers and recently completed downstream capacity.In Europe, spot ethylene prices slipped as buyers had stock, bought earlier in the year.Prices averaged US$1,161.00-1,163.00 a ton CFR SE Asia, up 0.6% from October while European spot fell 6.1% to average Euro969.90-974.90 a ton FD NWE. US spot prices were down2.6% on the month to average US cents 27.45-27.95 per pound FD USG.Paraxylene prices in Asia were upduring the month on strong feedstock values and increasing demand in the region.In Europe, spot paraxylene prices rose to seven-month high in November, reflecting higher prices in Asia. In US, paraxylene prices inched up on tight supply in the region. Asian marker, the CFR China averaged US$896.40 a ton, up 5.4% from last monthwhile European paraxylene rose 5.4% to US$807.20 a ton FOB Rotterdam. In US, spot paraxylene was at US$830 a ton FOB USG, up 2.5% on the month.

Mono ethylene glycol prices in Asia gained in November amid high feedstock values and limited supply in the region. In US, spot MEG prices declined on slow demand. European mono-ethylene glycol spot prices slipped during the month amid balanced market fundamentals.MEG prices averaged US$902.40-909.00 a ton FOB SE Asia, up 1.7% in November while European spot was at Euro930 a ton NWE FCA, down 2.1% on the month. US spot was at US$1,074-1,084 a ton FOB USG, fell 6.1% on the month. Purified terephthalic acid prices in Asia rose during the month on limited supply due to plant shutdowns amid brisk demand. In Europe, PTA prices were up on tight supply.Prices averaged US$695.00-702.00 a ton CFR China, up 6.3% from October while European price was at Euro679a ton FD NWE, up 1.9% on the month. Polyester chip prices in Asia inched up on the back of high PTA and MEG cost. In China, semi dull chip prices were up bolstered by positive margins, strong demand and controllable inventory.Offers for semi dull chips was up0.7% to US$1,172-1,181a ton and super bright chip jumped 2.6% to US$1,194-1,200 a ton. 

Polyester filament yarn prices jumped in China in Novemberon the back of low inventory and rigid needs.Trading atmosphere was favorable, as downstream mills moderately increased their procurement in the face of rising PFY prices. In India, PFY prices were stable in local currency but inched up in US$ terms during the month. In Pakistan, PFY offers were firm during the month.In China, POY 75/72 prices were up US cents 6 a kg at US$1.48-1.49 a kgin Shengze while Indian POY 130/34 prices were up US cent 1 at US$1.47 a kg. In Pakistan, 300/96 DTY prices were at US$0.60-0.70 a pound, unchanged on the month.Polyester staple fibre prices inched up in China during the month supported by firm raw material cost, decent demand and limited supply. In Pakistan, PSF was offered at a higher price during the month amid strong demand in polyester market. In India, PSF offers were revised up in November.In China, 1.4D PSF was at US$1.36-1.39 a kg, largely stable as compared to October. In India, 1.2D PSF prices were at US$1.34 per kg, up US cents 3 from last month. In Pakistan, prices in Karachi were at US$1.29-1.31 a kg, up US cents 2 on the month.


Benzene markets in Asia hit an eight-month high in November on strong buying interest and high upstream prices. In US, spot benzene prices jumped on tight prompt supply during the month. Supply in the US has been tight since late October due to regional plant outages.In Europe, benzene spot market rose as significant volumes were still being shipped to the US where supply continued to be tight.Asian marker, FOB Korea surged 7.8% in November to average US$846.60-847.60 a ton while US spot prices were up15.8% to US cents 333.35-333.45 per gallon FOB USG. European spot rose15.9% to average US$922.20-923.20 a ton CIF ARA and US$928.10-929.10 a ton FOB Rotterdam, up 16.7% on the month. Caprolactum prices in Asia were upamid modest buying interest from the downstream.Domestic run rate was at 76.2% during the month.China’s Juhua is planning to shut its 100,000 tons per year CPL line from mid-December for maintenance which may last 15 days.Asian caprolactam spot prices averaged US$2,016.00-2,110.00 a ton in November, up 6.1% from last month.Sinopec raised November nomination to US$2,587 a ton while Fibrant raised November nomination to US$2,603 a ton for liquid goods. 

Nylon or polyamide chip prices were up in November supported by firmness in caprolactum market.Producers operated at slightly lower rates as compared to last month. However, as downstream buyers purchased cautiously, pressure on the supply side still existed, especially for high-priced bright and semi-dull nylon-6 chips.Offers for Taiwan-origin chips averaged US$2,350-2,380 a ton, up 5% from last month. In China, bright conventional spinning nylon-6 chips were priced at US$2,619-2,833, down 6.9% from Octoberwhile semi-dull chips were offered at US$2,833-2,891 a ton, up 0.3% on the month.Nylon filament yarn prices inched up amid firm raw material cost during the month. Market largely remained range bound supported by chip cost and modest demand. Buyers followed up actively, however high offers could hardly attract the interest.Industrial run rate was at 78%, with capacity at around 3.5 million tons a year. Demand was on a need-to basis.In China, semi-dull FDY70D/24F was traded at US$3.43-3.55 a kg, up US cents 2 from previous month while FDY40D were at US$3.66-3.78 a kg, up US cents 8.


Propylene prices in Asia fell in November amid ample availability and weak buying interest in the region.In Europe, balanced-to-lengthening spot availability softened spot price trend during the month.In US, spot propylene prices were stable to up amid decreasing inventories, leading to tight supply.Asian marker, FOB Korea averaged US$895.36-897.36 a ton, fell5.1% from October, and CFR China was at US$944.80-946.80 a ton, down4.1% from previous month. In Europe, CG propylene declined 4.3% to Euro776.40-780.40 a ton FD while spot polymer-grade propylene prices in US were at US$44.67-45.17 per pound ton FD, nearly flat on the month.Acrylonitrile prices in Asian markets moved up slightly, however, tightness of supply was easing somewhat amid plant restarts and relatively high run rates.In US, spot ACN prices weakened on increasing availability amid seasonal downturn in demand.In Europe, acrylonitrile prices were up taking cues from Asian markets.European prices inched up2% to US$1,879.00-1,883.00 a ton CIF Med while US export assessments averaged at US$1,801.00-1,811.00 a ton USG, down2.7% on the month. Asian marker, the CFR Far East Asia climbed1.5% to average US$1,961.40-1,973.00 a ton.

Acrylic staple fibre prices marched north in the Asian markets of China, India and Pakistan. In China, ASF offers hiked for the month reacting to the recent uptrends in the ACN market. However, downstream converters reflected lackluster appetite for acrylic yarn currently, and coupled with high cost, they showed limited interest for ASF. The industrial run rate was at 76% during the month, so supply remained stable. In India, ASF prices continued the upward trend this month on persistent tightness in supply. In Pakistan, ASF prices was revised up during the month taking cues from other markets in the region. In China, offers for cotton-type staple were up US cents 9 at US$2.59-2.68 a kg and medium-length staple rose US cents 10 at US$2.60-2.68 a kg.Sinopec Chemicals issued its December contracts for ASF with 1.5D at 17.25-17.60 Yuan a kg (US$2.61-2.66 a kg) and medium length ASF at 17.30-17.65 Yuan a kg (US$2.62-2.67 a kg).Indian offers for ASF were up INR7 at INR171.50-172.50 a kg (US$2.564-2.65 a kg, up US cents 11). In Pakistan, 1.2D ASF prices were at US$2.41 a kg, up US cents 30 on the month.


Viscose staple fibre prices declined in November on modest buying sentiment of market participants as downstream mills still showed low interest with sidelined stance. In China, offers for VSF averaged US$2.24 a kg, down US cents 17on the month.In Pakistan, VSF prices fell during the month. Prices in India rolled over during the month. In Pakistan, 1.5D VSF prices fell US cents 5at US$2.18 a kg. In India, producers’ prices were at US$2.29 a kg, up US cents 2from last month.Viscose filament yarn prices in Asian markets were largely unchanged during the month. In China, viscose filament yarn offers were stable despite slightly weak viscose staple fibre cost. VFY prices were firm amid modest liquidity and balanced fundamentals. Downstream converters generally purchased according to their own plans, and as a result demand moved slightly. In India, viscose filament yarn prices were firm amid decent demand.In China, 120D dull VFY offers inched up US cent1 at US$6.01a kg while bright also up US cent 1at US$5.93 a kg. In India, 120D bright VFY was at US$5.62a kg, up US cents 3 from previous month. Offers for hardwood pulp and softwood pulp were at US$915-930 a ton and US$980 a ton respectively.


US cotton futures gained in November supported by short covering after the monthly crop supply and demand report from the US government. Prices were also bolstered by strong buying amid December options expiry and mill fixations.Cotton was moving up because all the commodities were going up.The March contract on ICE Futures US gained3.7% for the month to average US cents 70.33. The Cotlook A index inched up3.3% closing Novemberat an average of US cents 80.73 per pound. The China Cotton was down 0.3% on the month at 15,943.40 Yuan a ton.In Pakistan, cotton prices surged amid hectic buying by spinners. However, slow arrival of phutti (seed cotton) restricted the trading volume. The official spot rate averaged at PakRs6,625.00 per maund ex-Karachi, up 5% on the month.In India, cotton prices rose on the month due to fall in output as the crops were found to be infested with pink bollworms. India is expected to export early one-fifth less cotton as compared to previous estimations. Most varieties saw prices rise 0.2-4.1% in November.


Cotton yarn markets in November rolled over in China in line with overall stability in cotton market. Market sentiment was firm amid moderate transactions during the month. As cotton yarn market saw moderate transactions, and most orders were for short-term use, producers did not hold enough confidence on market sentiment in the future.In India, cotton yarn prices remained unchanged at the previous month’s level despite the new rise in cotton prices.In Pakistan, cotton fibre and yarn prices moved in tandem with each other this month. Cotton fiber prices rose sharply while yarn prices were also up, with demand still remaining very strong.In China, 32s carded cotton yarn in Shengze market was stable at US$3.48-3.55 a kg while 21s combed were at US$3.33-3.40 a kg, up US cents 2 fromOctober. In India, 30s combed for knitting were at US$2.95 a kg, down US cents 2 on the month. In Pakistan, 20s carded yarn was at US$2.82 a kg, up US cents 10 on the month while 30s carded were at US$3.17 a kg, up US cents 4 from previous month.

Polyester spun yarn prices in November jumped in Chinaover a new rise in polyester staple fiber prices. In India, spun polyester yarn prices continued the downtrend this monthand have lost INR18 per kg in the last eight weeks.In Pakistan, polyester yarn prices were up in line with increasing PSF cost.In Shengze, offers for 32s polyester yarn were at US$2.04-2.05 a kg, up US cents 3 from October.In India, 30 polyester knit yarns were at US$2.05 a kg, fell US cents 12 in Ludhiana market. In Pakistan, 30s spun polyester was at US$2.55 a kg, up US cents 2 on the month. Viscose spun yarn prices declined in China in tandem with falling viscose staple fiber prices. In Pakistan, viscose spun yarn prices edged down with relatively lower level of demand at the end of the season. In India, viscose spun yarn prices were revised down during the month.In Xiaoshan, 30s spun viscose were at US$2.86 a kg, down US cents 10on the month. In India, 30s viscose prices were at US$2.67 a kg, down US cents 2 in Ludhiana market. In Pakistan, 35s viscose yarn fell US cents 12 at US$2.89 a kg in Karachi.

Blended yarn prices were steady in China, fell in India while they rose in Pakistan during the month. In China, offers for PC yarn and PV yarn prices largely remained unchangedin November. However, PC yarn prices fell in US$ terms as the local currency was weak while US$ was strong during the month. In India, PV yarn offers declined during the month while PC yarn prices also edged down. In Pakistan, poly-cotton prices inched up while poly-viscose prices were stable during the month. Prices increase was limited due to slow domestic and international demand. In India, PC 30s (52/48) were at US$2.62 a kg in Ludhiana market, down US cent 1 from last month while PV 30s (65/35) were at US$2.39 a kg, up US cent 1 from last month. In Pakistan, PC 30s were flat at US$2.66 a kg on the Faisalabad market. In Qianqing market, polyester-cotton 32s (65/35) were traded at US$2.66 a kg, unchanged on the month while 45s (65/35) yarn were at US$3.60 a kg, rolled over on the month.

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