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Market Reports | Product Report


Published: June 7, 2022

A technical textile is a textile product manufactured for non-aesthetic purposes, where function is the primary criterion. Technical textiles include textiles for automotive applications, medical textiles (e.g., implants), geotextiles (reinforcement of embankments), agro textiles (textiles for crop protection), and protective clothing (e.g., heat and radiation protection for fire fighter clothing, molten metal protection for welders, stab protection and bulletproof vests, and spacesuits).

The sector is large, growing, and supports a vast array of other industries. The global growth rate of technical textiles is about 4% per year. Currently, technical textile materials are most widely used in filter clothing, furniture, hygiene medicals and construction material.

A-Export of textile wall coverings 

India exported textile wall coverings worth at US$ 0.02 million in Jan-Feb 2021 (R) which increased to US$ 0.06 million in Jan-Feb 2022 (F) and had an annual growth of the exports increased by 215.63%.

B-Export of Transmission or conveyor belts or belting of textile

In Jan-Feb 2021 (R), the exports of Transmission or conveyor belts or belting of textile uses is US$1.33 million in Jan-Feb 2021 (R) and which increased to 1.6 % in Jan-Feb 2022 (F) and had an annual growth of the exports increased by 20.83%.

C-Export of Textile wicks and gas mantles

India exported Textile wicks and gas mantles worth at US$ 0.82 million in Jan-Feb 2021 (R) which is decreased to US$ 0.55 million in Jan-Feb 2022 (F) and had an annual growth of the exports decreased by -32.21%.

D-Export of Textile fabric coated with gum or stiffened nes

India exported Textile fabric coated with gum or stiffened nes worth at US$ 1.87 million in Jan-Feb 2021 (R) which is decreased to US$ 1.47 million in Jan-Feb 2022

(F) and had an annual growth of the exports decreased by -21.4%.

E-Export of Tyre cord fabric of high tenacity manmade yarn

India exported Tyre cord fabric of high tenacity man- made yarn worth at US$ 8.68 million in Jan-Feb 2021

(R) which is increased to US$ 14.85 million in Jan-Feb 2022 (F) and had an annual growth of the exports in- creased by – 71.16%.

F-Export of Linoleum, floor covering with coating on textile back

India exported Linoleum, floor covering with coating on textile back worth at US$ 0 million in Jan-Feb 2021

(R) which is at same range at US$ 0 million in Jan-Feb 2022 (F) and had an annual growth of the exports increased by 1800%.

G- Export of Special textile products for technical purposes

India exported Special textile products for technical purposes worth at US$ 7.71 million in Jan-Feb 2021 (R) which is increased to US$ 10.03 million in Jan-Feb 2022

(F) and had an annual growth of the exports increased by 30.11%.

H-Export of Fabric impregnated, coated or covered with plastic

India exported Fabric impregnated, coated or covered with plastic worth at US$ 49.97 million in Jan-Feb 2021

(R) which is decreased to US$ 38.33million in Jan-Feb 2022 (F) and had an annual growth of the exports decreased by -23.29%.

I-Export of Textile hosepiping and similar textile tubing

India exported Textile hosepiping and similar textile tubing with plastic worth at US$ 0.41million in Jan-Feb 2021 (R) which is increased to US$ 0.74 million in Jan- Feb 2022 (F) and had an annual growth of the exports increased by 79.8%.

J- Export of Rubberised textile fabric, except tyre cord

India exported Rubberised textile fabric, except tyre cord worth at US$ 2.12 million in Jan-Feb 2021 (R) which is increased to US$ 2.22 million in Jan-Feb 2022

(F) and had an annual growth of the exports increased by 4.39%.

K-Export of Textile fabric treated for theatrical back- drops, etc.

India exported Textile fabric treated for theatrical backdrops, etc. worth at US$ 1.83 million in Jan-Feb 2021 (R) which is increased to US$ 3.19million in Jan- Feb 2022 (F) and had an annual growth of the exports increased by 74.28%.

Commodity Jan-Feb

2021 (R)


2022 (F)

A- Textile wall cov-


0.02 0.06 215.63
B- Transmission or conveyor belts or belting of textile 1.33 1.6 20.83
C-Textile wicks and gas mantles 0.82 0.55 -32.21
D-Textile fabric coated with gum or stiffened nes 1.87 1.47 -21.4
E-Tyre cord fabric of high tenacity manmade yarn 8.68 14.85 71.16
F-Linoleum, floor covering with coat- ing on textile back 0 0 1800
G-Special textile products for techni- cal purposes 7.71 10.03 30.11
H-Fabric impreg- nated, coated or covered with plastic 49.97 38.33 -23.29
I-Textile hosepiping and similar textile tubing 0.41 0.74 79.8
J-Rubberised textile fabric, except tyre cord 2.12 2.22 4.39
K-Textile fabric treated for theatri- cal backdrops, etc 1.83 3.19 74.28

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