Country Report

FTP To Expand Export Promotion Scheme To Include PM MITRA

Published: April 3, 2023

The Prime Minister Mega Integrated Textile Region and Apparel Parks (PM MITRA) scheme has been added as a new scheme eligible for benefits under the Common Service Provider Scheme of the Export Promotion Capital Goods Scheme, according to the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) released on Friday (EPCG).

Director General of Foreign Trade Santosh Kumar Sarangi stated on Friday that the government provided a special Advance Authorization Program for the export of goods of clothing and clothing accessories between 2015 and 2020. Under the plan, input fabrics, such as interlining for shipping articles of clothing and clothing accessories, might be imported duty-free. Exporters were qualified for duty drawback at all industry rates on non-fabric inputs. Under the new FTP, this programme has been expanded to include the garment and clothing sector. export orders can now be executed quickly and exporters can self-declare.

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