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Growth in Indian Textile Machinery Exports

Published: September 24, 2021
Author: Manali bhanushali

The Indian textile industry is regarded as a pioneer industry, as the resources generated by the textile industry have aided India’s industrialization in other sectors. Textile machinery production is a major segment of India’s machinery manufacturing industry. In this industry, there are approximately 1000 machinery and component manufacturing facilities. Nearly 300 units produce complete machinery, while the remainder produces textile machinery components. By 2022, the Indian textile machinery sector is estimated to reach INR 45,000 crore ($ $6 billion).

India’s total textile machinery exports increased in the 1st half of 2021 as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.

Exports of machines for processing textile fibers by June 2020 were worth around 57 million dollars which increased to 87 million dollars by June 2021. Auxiliary machinery and parts for textile machinery exports increased by 44.34% as the exports climbed up to worth around 80 million USD by June 2021. Weaving machines(looms) exports which were worth 14 million USD in 2020 have increased by 34.54% to 19 million USD in 2021. As of June 2021, exports of machines for knitting, lace, embroidery, tufting, etc were worth 3.51 million dollars. Exports of machinery for making felt, nonwovens, including hats, declined to 0.3 million USD compared to the exports of the previous year. India’s total exports of textile machinery that were worth around 130 million USD in 2020 hiked up to 190 million USD in 2021.

Exports of machines for processing textile fibers

Since 2020, Turkey has remained the top importer of machines for processing textile fibers with imports of 7 million USD in June 2020 and 11 million USD in June 2021. India exported machines worth 1.67 million USD in 2020 which increased to 11 million USD in 2021. Egypt, Benin, and Bangladesh imported machines worth around 10 million USD from India. Total exports of machines for processing textile fibers were worth 57 million USD and 87 million USD in the first half of the year 2020 and 2021.

Exports of Auxiliary Machinery and Parts for Textile Machinery

China secured the first position in both years with the imports of auxiliary machinery and parts of textile machinery worth 5.82 million USD and 10.57 million USD respectively. China’s growth in imports is 81.62%. Japan imported machinery and parts of machinery worth 9.52 million USD in 2021 from India. Germany’s imports were worth 4.61 million USD in the first half of 2020 which increased to 6.90 million USD by June 2021. Both Indonesia and Singapore imported worth around 3 million USD by June 2021. The rest of the countries’ imports declined by 3.04% by June 2021.

Exports of Weaving Machines (Looms)

Bangladesh topped the list of importers of weaving machines with total imports of 1.93 million USD in June 2020 and 3.77 million USD in June 2021. India exported machines worth 1.21 million dollars to both Turkey and Vietnam by the first half of 2021. Indonesia and Mexico which imported weaving machines worth 1.34 and 1.01 million USD by June 2020 witnessed a fall in the imports to 0.83 and 0.79 million USD in June 2021. India’s total exports of weaving machines grew by 34.54% by 2021.

Exports of Machines for Knitting, Lace, Embroidery, Tufting, Etc

Germany was in the leading position in both the years 2020 and 2021 with exports worth 0.06 million USD in 2020 which significantly increased to 2.37 million USD in 2021. USA and Djibouti’s imports from India were worth 0.08 million dollars as of June 2021. Thailand imported machines worth 0.06 million USD in 2021. India’s total exports of machines for Knitting, Lace, Embroidery, Tufting, Etc were increased by 24.91% in the first half of 2021.

Exports of Machinery for Making Felt, Nonwovens, Including Hats

Nepal has been the leading country in both the years 2020 and 2021. Though their imports by June 2021 declined by 62.50% to 0.09 million USD. By 30th June 2021, India exported machinery worth 0.08 and 0.06 million USD to Bhutan and Peru respectively. Four other countries including Fiji, France, UAE, and the USA imported machinery worth 0.01 million USD in the year 2021. Total exports of machinery for making Felt, Nonwovens, Including Hats diminished by 21.05% by the end of June 2021.

Unit: US $ Million

India – Textile Machinery Exports
S.No. Commodity Name Jan – June  2020 Jan – June 2021 % Change
1 Machines for processing textile fibres 56.93 87.13 53.05
2 Auxiliary machinery and parts for textile machinery 55.44 80.02 44.34
3 Weaving machines (looms) 14.13 19.01 34.54
4 Machines for knitting, lace, embroidery, tufting, etc 2.81 3.51 24.91
5 Machinery for making felt, nonwovens, including hats 0.38 0.3 -21.05
Total 129.69 189.97 46.48

Source: Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Unit: US $ Million

Machines for processing textile fibres
S.No. Country Jan – June  2020 Jan – June 2021 % Change
1 Turkey              7.01             11.80 68.33
2 Malaysia                   1.67             11.21 571.26
3 Egypt              0.10             10.90 10800.00
4 Benin                   0.27              9.71 3496.30
5 Bangladesh             12.53              9.60 -23.38
6 Germany                   1.77              3.94 122.60
7 China              0.89              3.93 341.57
8 Netherland                   3.84              3.48 -9.38
9 Uzbekistan              3.58              3.00 -16.20
10 Oman                   2.22              2.98 34.23
11 Others             23.04             16.53 -28.26
Total             56.93             87.13 53.05

Source: Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Unit: US $ Million

Weaving Machines (Looms)
S.No. Country Jan – June  2020 Jan – June 2021 %Growth
1 Bangladesh 1.93 3.77 95.34
2 UAE 0.51 1.79 250.98
3 Brazil 0.06 1.36 2166.67
4 Turkey 1.2 1.21 0.83
5 Vietnam 1.59 1.21 -23.90
6 Turkeminstan 0.07 1.14 1528.57
7 Indonesia 1.34 0.83 -38.06
8 Mexico 1.01 0.79 -21.78
9 Egypt 0.8 0.68 -15.00
10 Others 5.57 6.22 11.67
Total 14.13 19.01 34.54

Source: Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Unit: US $ Million

Machines For Knitting, Lace, Embroidery, Tufting, Etc
S.No. Country Jan – June  2020 Jan – June 2021 %Growth
1 Germany 0.06 2.37 3850.00
2 Nepal 0.09 0.4 344.44
3 Japan 0.15
4 Indonesia 0.12
5 Djibouti 0.08
6 USA 0 0.08
7 Ethiopia 0.27 0.07 -74.07
8 Thailand 0.06
9 Others 2.39 0.15 -93.72
Total 2.81 3.51 24.91

Source: Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Unit: US $ Million

Machinery For Making Felt, Nonwovens, Including Hats
S.No. Country Jan – June  2020 Jan – June 2021 %Growth
1 Nepal 0.24 0.09 -62.50
2 Bhutan 0.08
3 Peru 0.06
4 Philippines 0.03
5 Fiji 0.01
6 France 0 0.01
7 UAE 0.05 0.01 -80.00
8 USA 0.02 0.01 -50.00
9 Others 0.07
Total 0.38 0.3 -21.05

Source: Ministry of Commerce and Industry

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