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Published: October 7, 2020

Cameroon French: Cameroun), officially the Republic of Cameroon is a country in Central Africa. It is bordered by Nigeria to the west and north; Chad to the northeast; the Central African Republic to the east.

Ndop Cloth

it is used for ceremonial purposes i n   t h e   g r a s s l a n d s    o f   C a m e r o o n . N d o p h a s m a n y traditional functions including those that are edged with red that are used for male dancers skirts while large cloths are used as ceremonial backdrops and floor coverings

his Ndop cloth is a resist stitched, indido-dyed cloth of Nigerian or Bamileke origin i s used for ceremonial purposes in the grasslands of Cameroon. It is a basic fabric of strip woven cotton that i s brought down to the Bamileke villages where women artisans stitch in the geometrical resist design in raphia thread. The cloth is then taken back north where is is dyed with indigo. The dyed cloth is transported back south where the raphia stitches get unpicked to reveal the pattern of w h i t e r e s i s t a g a i n s t a b l u e background. Bamileke patterns are usually tribal, geometrical or abstract, while Nigerian designs are more figurative featuring animals such as lizards, scorpions, l e o p a r d s a n d s o m e t i m e s humans.In some instances, strips f r o m         b o t h        o r i g i n s  a r e combined.This Ndop cloth is a resist stitched, indido-dyed cloth of Nigerian or Bamileke origin, and.

Toghu Print

The Toghu print or Atoghu fabric is one of Cameroon’s most popular print. This is because of the beautiful texture of the fabric and it rich feel on the skin. Furthermore, the Toghu has gained attention outside Cameroon with the birth of social media. Comparatively, with other traditional Cameroon prints and fabrics, the Toghu is much loved across Cameroon. Atoghu or Toghu depending on where you are from in Cameroon is mostly worn by royalty in the North West Province and Western Province of Cameroon. Here, you will f ind all the Toghu fabric s tyles, beautiful toghu designs and best atoghu dressmakers in Cameroon.

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