In-Depth Analysis | Research/ Review Paper


Published: April 16, 2023

Why 3d Body Scanning Is Required?

In a variety of industries, including medicine, fitness, and entertainment, 3D body scanners are revolutionising the way we photograph, gauge, and monitor changes to the human body. Applications for whole-body 3D scanning are multiplying as a result of recent technological advancements.


It is absolutely non-invasive to perform 3D body scanning. The topic is never actually touched by the 3D scanner.With handheld 3D scanners, the user moves around the topic while holding the instrument at a set distance.


A 3D scanning booth needs less than 10 seconds to scan a person. The process can take several minutes and calls for the person to remain completely motionless when using a portable 3D scanner.


The high resolution and high precision of 3D body scanners, which produce incredibly accurate 3D models, make them highly precise tools. Such 3D scanners are extremely useful in a variety of situations because they can detect things that the human eye cannot.

3D Figurines

3D figurines, often known as 3D selfies or 3D portraits, are tiny statues of real people. They are often 3D printed using a full-body 3D scanner that is found in a scanning booth. Such prints can only be produced with full-color 3D printers.

Fitness And Body Shape Monitoring

Utilizing a variety of body measures, body form metrics, posture analysis, and other methods, 3D body scanners are used in fitness to monitor a person’s progress.

Fashion And Clothing

In order to create unique and customised clothing, the fashion industry is beginning to use 3D body scanners to take precise body measurements.

Healthcare And Medical

Body scanning has various uses in the medical industry, from tracking a patient’s body form to spot possible problems to taking extremely precise 3D scans of body components like amputated limbs to create personalised prosthesis.

What Is 3d Body Scanning?

As the name suggests, it entails the non-contact scanning of physical objects in order to gather information about their dimensions and reproduce them in high- precision 3D for study and usage. The object under consideration is a human body, and 3D scanning is used to track the human body in 3D, generate accurate garment fits, and simulate how clothing would drape. It operates by combining several images of the thing into a 3D model, which can then be viewed from any angle.

Application Of 3d Scanning Technology

  • 3D body scanning technology has advanced to the point where it just takes a few seconds to scan a human body, capture its shape and dimensions, and create a 3D model that is accurate to
  • The scanner projects multiple beams of light through the sensors, which reflect, and the variations in the light are computed to measure out the reflected surface.
  • These reflected beams of light, after processing, form an image, and numerous of these images are captured and combined to create a 3D model of the human

Commercial 3d Scanning By Fashion Retailers

Since 2010, body scanning booths have been used commercially in several retail establishments, including Bloomingdale’s, Selfridges, Levi’s, New Look, and others. These booths functioned by scanning people and informing them of their body sizes so they could make the appropriate purchasing decisions.

Plate No. 1: Scanning Booth By Size Stream Mobile 3d Scanning Solution

A smartphone can be a wonderful replacement for the expensive scanning equipment in the aforementioned issue, which demands for solutions that are so accessible that people can scan themselves in the comfort of their own homes. With the use of cutting-edge camera sensors, mobile processing, or cloud services, mobile devices can now perform the same type of scanning that they can with traditional methods.

Applications and Service Providers for Mobile 3D Scanning

  1. Meepl: In order to meet the demands of 3D body scanning, this Swiss firm has created a distinctive ecology around itself. Their mobile software can scan a person using just two images and provide a very accurate 3D avatar for size recommendations, virtual changing rooms, and made-to- measure


  • In order to protect SMEs in the fashion industry from the effects of COVID-19, the Swiss company meepl, which develops retail technology, has stated that it will make its smartphone-enabled, 3D body scanning technology available.
  • Brands and shops will be able to expand their services to include made- to-measure options thanks to the free access to the software.
  1. Fashion Innovation Agency:   The   FIA developed   Pictofit 3D, a smartphone application, in partnership with Reactive Reality, the maker of the augmented reality engine, and fashion designer Charlie Cohen. It also enables users to take high definition digital scans of clothing for virtual try- ons and record a video clip of about 40 seconds in length to create photo- realistic avatars of themselves.


  • To show off how 3D scans from a mobile device can allow users to create photo- realistic avatars of themselves and capture high definition digital scans of clothing for virtual try-ons, the fashion innovation agency teamed up with reactive reality, the company that created the augmented reality engine, and fashion designer Charli Cohen.
  • The project’s goal was to overcome one of the main obstacles in e-commerce: to develop a completely customised digital shopping experience through immersive, virtual interaction with a retailer’s
  1. Body Labs : A corporation that was acquired by Amazon includes SOMA, a platform for 3D artificial intelligence that is human-aware and allows users to predict 3D human motion and shape from regular images and videos. Their objective is to apply these very realistic 3D representations of the human body to applications in mixed reality, autonomous driving, and personalised retail. Consumers can soon use this technology since Amazon is investing more in the fashion industry.[2]
  2. Nettelo : Users can scan themselves with their smartphone at home and exchange their measures with an online vendor’s website or enterprise private cloud using Nettelo 3D, a product from this company that is based on AI. To facilitate analysis and measurement, it can also build a digital representation of the [2]


  • With the help of its patented 3D body scan and analysis technology, Nettelo provides a range of SaaS and mobile applications for remote body measurement and wearable product fitting.
  • The company also offers businesses the ability to provide customers with remote measurements and product fitting services whenever and wherever they need [2]
  1. Element Pure: By combining images to create a 3D avatar of the torso, their AI-based technology enables them to provide customers with customised shirts that are specifically suited to fit The procedure is quite straight forward; all that is required is for the user to take two images using the Element Pure app in two different postures, and the software will then construct a model of the torso for them. [2]


  • The process is really easy, and it beats scheduling an hour-long fitting session with your tailor and getting tangled up in measuring
  • The AI tailor at Element Pure only requires two things from A regular A4 sheet kept on the floor was used as a reference for the front and side profile photos.
  1. Size Stream: A mobile 3D body scan solution has also been developed by one of the most well-known 3D body scanning and measuring technology companies. Anyone can pick up a kit that includes a bodysuit that can be scanned for precise measurements, download the app, and begin taking measurements. [2]
  2. Nepox is comparable to the aforementioned in that it utilises a mobile scanning application to collect measurement data from customers using a variety of accessible sensors. The data is then processed in the cloud to create the avatar, and after that, it is transferred to the customer’s phone for a virtual try-on. [2]
  3. The method used by 3DLOOK to generate 3D avatars directly from mobile apps is Then, it can support online fittings. They only offer the app upon request at the moment. In order to provide a completely linked, digital remote supply chain experience, they are also collaborating with Gerber Technology.
  • In addition to this, there are also portable body scanners on the market that can be used with a mobile device to display the 3D model. Due to its improved hardware, which is comparable to that of typical body scanning booths, these offer a considerably more accurate picture of the human [2]

5 Reasons to Use 3D Scanning

  1. Saves Time in the Design Stage

A new component for a product can be required, perhaps based on already existing items. The ability of the structured light 3D scanner precisely matches the necessity to reverse-engineer a new object. The scanner can precisely measure the space where a new part must fit by getting into every nook and cranny of the existing product.

2.  Makes the Prototype Process Faster

It frequently takes several tries to produce an accurate prototype. 3D structured light scanning makes it possible to speed up this procedure. In reality, 3D scanning might limit the quantity of prototype cycles required for the design and manufacturing processes.

3.  Fast and Comprehensive Quality Control

The most iconic artefacts from various cultures are being preserved thanks to 3D scanners since they are so precise and practical. The scanner examines both the object’s volume and the material’s composition.

4.  Ability to Remanufacture Parts Without CAD

3D scanners enable the creation of precise replicas when it’s necessary to remanufacture a part that was created before computer-aided design (CAD) software was accessible.

5.  Easy to Compare Designs to Manufactured Products

Comparing a product’s as-built model to its as-designed model is another benefit of structured light 3D scans. An essential statistic of success is confirming that the original concept materialised as anticipated.

Limitation in Mobile Scanning

Mobile body scanning may become a thing as a result of the abundance of technological possibilities currently available and the expanding internet industry. However, it must be understood that not all mobile hardware can implement the aforementioned fixes. Only a few high-end smartphones are equipped with a depth-sensing camera sensor and a powerful enough processor to process and retrieve the scanned data necessary for accurate scanning. [3]


Mobile 3D scanning will have a significant impact on the online retail industry, enabling buyers to see for themselves how items fit before making any kind of purchase and reducing the inconvenience of product returns. It will also increase demand for bespoke products by enabling easy measuring for clients. With this, we may one day be able to scan objects with our smartphones and try on virtual or augmented reality clothing right in our own homes.

In conclusion, if mobile 3D scanning is properly implemented, it can change the way people shop for clothing, improving customer satisfaction and providing retailers with effective inventory management. However, the success of this technology depends on how consumers will accept and use it in their daily lives.[2]


  1. Aniwaa (2021, August 10). 3D body scanning, full-body scanning, and human body 3D scanners. Retrieved from scanning/#:~:text=3D%20body%20scanning%20is,and%20textures%203 D%20scanning.[1]
  2. Soumyadeep (2020, September 2). Home3D Scanning What is Mobile 3D Scanning Technology and How it is Different from Traditional 3D body Scanners? Retrieved from scanningtechnology.html#:~:text=What%20is%203D,garment%20develo pment%20stages .[2]
  3. Dominik (2017, November 27). 5 Reasons to Use 3D Scanning. Retrieved from use-3d- scanning#:~:text=1.%20Saves%20Time,light%20scanning%20delivers.[3]
  4. (2021, may 24). 3d body scanner software: how does it work? Retrieved from how-does-it- work/#:~:text=what%20is%20a,in%20gaming%2c%20medical%2c[4]
  5. Apparel Resources News-Desk. (2020, April 9). meepl offering SMEs a free access to its 3D body scanning Retrieved from smes-free-access-3d-body-scanning technology/#:~:text=Swiss%20retail%20technology,CEO%20of%20mee pl.[5]

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