Promote and facilitate the continuous growth of the handloom industry to complete in the global market.
We dedicate ourselves to support the Handloom Sector at large in upgrading-skill,
development/diversification of handloom products, technical advice etc.
Recognize the technical needs of handloom weavers. Dedicate ourselves to reach every nook and corner of the sector with a helping hand.
- To provide all possible technical assistance in terms of design input, technical advice in weaving/dyeing printing etc. to weavers and all concerned to Handloom Sector.
- To technically support weavers and others on a continuous basis for sustained development of the Handloom Sector.
- To visit the Handloom pockets for rendering technical assistance to weavers and others.
- To conduct Design Exhibition-cum-Dyeing Workshop with a view to create awareness in the weaver clusters about the services available in WSCs and to impart training in dyeing techniques and design development.
- To upgrade the skills of handloom weavers/workers in the field of design development/weaving/dyeing under on-going in-house short term training programmes and also under IHTP Scheme.
1. Of product development to evolve more marketable products by interaction between expertises available in the fields of weaving, designing and processing.
2. In improving weaving techniques and accessories and appliances used in weaving.
3. In improving techniques of processing.
4. In training weavers by disseminating improved techniques and new designs by undertaking training programmes within the precincts of the Centre and in the field.
5. In providing market support by arranging interface between designers, producers and buyers which includes execution of sample orders.
6. In solving problems arising in pre-loom, loom and post-loom processes and technologies.
7. In arranging exhibitions, seminars, workshops focusing on new and improved designs, equipments and processing techniques
8. In preserving and documenting traditional skills and revival of traditional skills and revival of traditional designs for production and marketing
9. In implementing various schemes in handloom sector of the Government of India and providing assistance and interaction with State Governments, handloom agencies such as Apex and primary co-operatives. State and private undertakings dealing in handlooms.
10. Monitoring of projects sanctioned under various central schemes.
Glance at a various services of WSC-

Artists drawn from the best talent available in art schools are constantly engaged in preparing paper designs in the premises of WSC. These designs comprise both for weaving and for hand block or screenprinting. The attempt is to preserve traditional designs by reviving them and/or adopting them to the requirements of the market. These designs help in production of items both for domestic and export markets. The CAD facility available presently in some of the WSCs helps in preparing the designs and techniques with the aid of a computer. These Centres have the services of Jala makers, graph paper designers who work in close association with the Dyeing Laboratory and the Weaving Section. Care is taken to see that the designs developed are within the discipline imposed by the types of yarn, dyestuffs and weaving techniques as per requirements of the sector.

Skilled weavers drawn from the main traditional weaving communities of the country, man the Weaving Section under the supervision of qualified textile technologists. Facilities of prototype looms and weaving equipments are available in the Section. Fabrics in new designs and new textures are produced using different yarns. The Section also undertakes simple improvements in looms and in the processes of weaving.
Fully equipped Dye Laboratory manned by experienced dyers and other qualified technical personnel capable of developing techniques in processing of fabrics is available in each Weavers Service Centre. These Laboratories bring out number of shade cards for silk, cotton and wool dyeing. These illustrate a number of shades in use in the field of handlooms and also give details of the method of application of dyestuffs, temperatures to be maintained and the length of dyeing period for each shade. These cards also provide information on de-gumming, scouring, blending, dyeing etc. and the equipments used in dyeing and testing methods.
This Section carries out experiments in preparation of basic materials for hand block printing as well as screen-printing. Dischargeable and non-dischargeable dyestuffs have been effectively used to obtain multiple effects of rare beauty. Weavers’ Service Centre has expertise in block and screen making and they cordially develop new design and pattern. Sizable of hand-block and screen are attractable for use by Weavers and Handloom organizations.
The Weavers’ Service Centres located at Bombay & Delhi presently have full fledged photographic Sections. It has built up a valuable and informative source material of photographs depicting rare pieces of exceptional and traditional designs, costumes, fabric samples as also forms of art from Museums etc. Different techniques of production in weaving, dyeing and printing, including tie and dye method, are preserved in photographs.

A collection of cloth samples, photographs, colour slides, books and periodicals dealing with various aspects of the textile industry is available in all premises of WSC.
Other authorities for up-gradation
Innovate and develop designs, motifs, patterns and prints, via in-house skills, on a regular/ongoing basis, through appropriate systems and trained designers and synchronization of traditional designs, etc., with modern and contemporary design. For this purpose development of In-house designs undertaken based on:-
- Specific demand from the market in terms of apex societies, weaver’s cooperatives, institutions, exporters, manufacturers or private persons.
- As per the demand of the International market in terms of colour, design and fashion forecast.
- Revival of market-worthy traditional motifs
- Artists delight from various sources e.g. Museums, Temples, Palaces or Havelis, College of Arts/crafts Caves, Book of Arts/Artifacts & Handicrafts be it carvings of wood, metal, stone, ivory, etc., Miniature Paintings, Antinque furniture, Potteries, Tombs, Series of Art & Industry Collections /Cataloguing Books eg. Sir Fort Watsons collection, symbols and portrayals of festivals, and mythologies Worldwide.
- Utmost care is taken to assess its market – worthiness.
- Help of CATD is taken to perfect the colour and design combination and suitability of fabrics. Maintain and update an inventory/ data bank / warehouse of designs, motifs, patterns, prints, etc. and display developed samples in exhibition halls.
- Exhibition of exclusive designs is held annually for the public for sale.
- Popularise increasing adaptation and adoption of designs, etc., as a vital ingredient of valueadded product development / diversification and for the creation and sustenance of a culture of quality.
- Encourage the sale of designs, prints, etc., on a non-exclusive right basis.

WSC holds Dyeing cum Design Exhibition in the interior clusters of weavers to familiarize them with the latest and the best in the dyeing and design techniques. In-house product display of the latest and unique samples, samples drawn on the basis of revival of traditional motifs, display of improvised and modern looms and their working. Through its in-house exhibition, the members of WSC acquaint the visitors with the latest information required for the development of right fabric in right colour and for right market.
R&D work is carried out for loom development, design modification; development of shade cards, natural dyes, unique sample development, and is available at reasonable prices in WSC.
Improving Working Conditions of Weavers:-
To improve the working conditions of handloom weavers and for the sustainable development of handloom sector, the Ministry of Textiles, through various schemes and programmes, has adopted focused, flexible and holistic approach by facilitating marketing of handloom products, infrastructure development, brand building and empowerment of weavers by organizing them under self help groups, training and skill upgradation, infusion of new and contemporary designs through design intervention as well as product diversification, technology upgradation, easy access to raw material at subsidized prices and easy credit flow at low interest rate etc., besides providing better health care and life insurance under welfare schemes such as:-
1. National Handloom Development Programme- two components:
(i) Comprehensive Handlooms Development Scheme
(ii) Revival, Reform and Restructuring (RRR) Package for handloom sector
2. Handloom Weavers Comprehensive Welfare Scheme- two components:
(i) Health Insurance Scheme for access to health care facilities
(ii) Mahatma Gandhi Bunkar Bima Yojana for life insurance
3. Yarn Supply Scheme
4. Comprehensive Handloom Cluster Development Scheme
Places for WSC have been set up are: Mumbai. Nagpur. Ahmedabad. Kolkata, Guwahati. Kohima, Chennai, Agartala, Imphal, Baghlapur, Bhubaneshwar, Kanchipuram. Bangluru, Salem, Srinagar, Jaipur, Indore, Bananas. Bargarh, etc.
List of Weavers’ Service Centres
North Zone
1. Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, Weavers Colony, Bharat Nagar, Delhi-110052 Ph. office : 011-27303793 (O), 26885129 (R), 27302999 (O), 27301002 Fax / Email : 27307560, 27304012, [email protected]
2. Deputy Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, Chowkaghat, Varanasi-221002, Uttar Pradesh Ph. office : 0542-2203834 (O), 2207685 (O) Fax / Email : 2203834, [email protected]
3. Assistant Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, UNDP, Project Complex, Baghe Ali Mardan Khan, Nowshere, Srinagar-190011, Jammu & Kashmir Ph. office : 0194-2411043 Fax / Email : 2425298, [email protected]
4. Assistant Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, Upper Chamoli, Garhwal, Chamoli-246424, Uttarakhand Ph. office : 09372- 262059(O), 262237(O) Fax / Email : 262237, 262075, [email protected]
5. Assistant Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, Scheme No.1, Mangal Pandey Nagar, University Road, Meerut-250004, Uttar Pradesh Ph. office : 0121-2772589 (O), 2602511 (O) Fax / Email : 2602511, 2773589, [email protected]
6. Deputy Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, Old Court Road, Plat No. 17-22, Industrial Area, Near State Bank India, Panipat-132103, Haryana Ph. office / Residence : 0180-2650407 Fax / Email : 2655715, [email protected]
7. Deputy Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, Kamdhenu Comercial Complex, Civil Line, Ajmer Raod, Jaipur-302006, Rajasthan Ph. office : 0141-2224165 (O), 2784436 (R) Fax / Email : 2224760, [email protected]
West Zone
8. Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, 15-A, Mama Paramanand Marg, Opera House, Mumbai-400004, Maharashtra. Ph. office / Residence : 022-23610923 (O), 23691238 (O) Fax / Email : 23625626, [email protected]
9. Deputy Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, Gujarat Khadi Gram Uodyog Bhawan Complex, Ashram Road, Old Vadaj, Ahmedabad – 380013, Gujarat Ph. office / Residence: 079-27557081 (O), 25323437 (R), 27557185 (O) Fax / Email : 27557081, [email protected]
10. Deputy Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, F-4, Industrial Estate, Polo Ground, Indore-452015, Madhya Pradesh Ph. office / Residence : 0731-2420545 (O), 2421501 (O), 2495052 (R) Fax / Email : 2420545, 2420723, [email protected]
11. Deputy Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, 1st Floor New Secretariat Building, Civil Lines, Nagpur-440001. Maharashtra Ph. office : 0712-2552135 (O), 2560176 (O) Fax / Email : 2552135, 2522460, [email protected]
12. Assistant Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, 3rd Floor, Sunalia Bhawan, Sattigudi Chowk, Raigarh-496001, Chhattisgarh Ph. office : 07762-231576 (O) Fax / Email : 231576, 232028, [email protected]
East Zone
13. Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, I.I.H.T, Campus, Jawahar Nagar, National Highway No. 37, Khanapara, Guwahati-781022, Assam Ph. office : 0361-2302599 (O), 2303586 (O) Fax / Email : 2302599, [email protected]
14. Deputy Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, Gorkhabasti, Opp. Tripura Housing Board, P.O.Kathal Bagan, Agartala-799006, West Tripura, Tripura Ph. office : 0381-2325255 (O), 2224912 (O)Fax / Email : 2325255, [email protected]
15. Assistant Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, Industrial Estate, Takyelpet, Imphal-795001, Manipur Ph. office : 0385-2451204 (O), 2224591 (R) Fax / Email : 2451204, [email protected]
16. Deputy Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, Flat No. A-101, Ground Floor, Garment Park” Paridhan”, 19 Canal South Road, Beliaghata, Kolkata-700015, West Bengal Ph. office : 033-23232236 (O), 26729946 (R), 23232232(0) Fax / Email : 23232237, [email protected]
17. Deputy Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, Kanchangarh, Barari, Bhagalpur-812003, Bihar Ph. office : 0641-2400770 (O), 2400812 (R), 0641-2400770 Fax / Email : 2403146, [email protected]
18. Deputy Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, Bunkar Bhawan, Plot No. A/407, Sahid Nagar, Maharishe, College Road, Bhubaneswar-751007, Odisha Ph. office : 0674- 2549849, (O) 2549878 Fax / Email : 2549859, [email protected]
19. Assistant Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, The Chota Nagpur Regional Handloom Weavers Coop. Union Ltd. Campus, P.O. IRBA, Ranchi- 835217 Jharkhand Ph. office : 0651-2275170 Fax / Email: [email protected]
20. Assistant Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, Dimapur , Nagaland
21. Assistant Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, Aizwal, Mizoram
South Zone
22. Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, C-I-B, Rajaji Bhawan, Besant Nagar, Chennai-600090, Tamil Nadu Ph. office : 044- 24918655 (O), 24917964 (O), 24461951 (O) Fax / Email : 24465015, 24916707, 24917496, [email protected]
23. Deputy Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, 24, Nagareeswarar, Koil Street, Kancheepuram-631502, Tamil Nadu Ph. office : 044-27222730 (O), 27222985 (R) Fax / Email : 27231653, [email protected]
24. Deputy Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, No. 2 & 4, Iind Main Road, Okalipuram, Beside RRR Kalyana Mantapa, Bangaluru-560021, Karnataka Ph. office : 080-23121662 (O), 23113454 (R) Fax / Email : 23120058, [email protected]
25. Deputy Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, Madena Complex, 1st & 2nd Floor, South Bazar, Kannur-670002, Kerala Ph. office : 0497-2761937(O), 2316288 (R) Fax / Email : 2761085, [email protected]
26. Deputy Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, Arulnagar, Adjacent to Machavaram Police Station, Vijayawada – 520008, Andhra Pradesh Ph. office : 0866-2492213 (O), 2490916(O), 2535403 (R) Fax / Email : 2492213, 2472940, [email protected]
27. Assistant Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, IIIrd Floor, Chenatha Bhawan, Nampalli, Hyderabad-500001, Andhra Pradesh Ph. office / Residence : 040-24603637 (O) Fax / Email : 24730668, 24656048, 24614918, [email protected]
28. Deputy Director : Weavers’ Service Centre, Foulke Compound, Thallai Nagar, Salem-636001, Tamil Nadu Ph. office : 0427-2295323 (O) Fax / Email : 2295623, [email protected]