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COVID 19 Safety Tips and Precautions- What to do & what not to!

Published: September 30, 2020

COVID-19 quickly spread into a global pandemic. It led to the crashing of the world economy and led the world into an unprecedented time. It has changed our way of life and we traded classrooms for bedrooms, hallways for couches, everyone working from home and everyone at homes completely quarantined.

Unlocking the economy and taking precautions

People are returning to the streets but with all possible precautions: queuing up, two meters apart outside supermarkets, people returning to offices and daily routines wearing gloves and masks, and people following physical and social distancing at all times.

As the communities are opening up and people are moving in public more often, it is more important to stress around social and physical distancing, hand washing, and all possible preventive measures to keep oneself safe at all times.

How COVID19 spreads

We are all aware that the virus spreads through an infected person when they cough, sneeze, or talks. At that time the droplets from their mouth or nose land on people and objects nearby and hence increase the risk of infection. The virus is mainly transmitted to people who are in close contact (within about 6 feet) and can breathe it into their lungs.

Also, since people can spread the virus before they know they are sick, it is all the more important to take all necessary precautions to protect ourselves and everyone in our close circle.

Do’s and don’ts to avoid spreading the Coronavirus infection

  • Always try to stay at least 2 meters (6 feet) away from anyone you do not live with or anyone who is not a part of your support bubble.
  • Practice good hand wash hygiene. Washing and scrubbing your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds reduces the risk of transmitting the infection. Use a gel-based sanitizer in case soap and water are not available. The best thing to practice is to wash hands thoroughly as soon as we reach home as we might have come in contact with infected persons or surfaces.
  • Always wear a face mask or cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief or tissue. Also, most importantly always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeves when you cough or sneeze. Put the used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands thoroughly thereafter.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Our hands touch multiple surfaces and hence increase the risk of transmission through infected surfaces.
  • Clean and disinfect all surfaces you often touch daily.
  • Avoid physical contacts: shaking hands, hand-holding, and hugging each other are a strict no.

What Clinic Dermatech is doing in COVID19 pandemic

At Clinic Dermatech, we have been closely monitoring all the developments with COVID 19.

For us, the utmost important thing is the safety of our customers and we have been following strict safety guidelines to ensure maximum safety. We understand the numerous concerns about this situation and we have put additional measures to help stay safe as much as possible. We have resumed our services like facials, body shaping, laser hair removal amongst many more and are ensuring that we use both unique and up-to-date safety precautions to keep our clients and staff healthy.

We would like you to know that we have gone above and beyond these guidelines to ensure the safety of our customers as well as our staff. Our purpose always is the care and safety of our providers, staff, and patients and that is unwavering and always remains our priority. Our safety protocols include prior appointments that allow us to have fewer people at the centre at one time so that we can follow social distancing, extra cleaning and sanitizing measures, touchless payment amongst many others.

We are also determined to continuously improve and introduce new protocols as and when more scientific knowledge is available to provide our customers with the safest experience. We have already worked around pre-booking, reorganization at our centres, spacing out appointments, a social distancing between workstations, removal of magazines, keeping sanitizers handy everywhere, and enabling electronic payments.

Safety Guidelines at Clinic Dermatech

The safety guidelines at Clinic Dermatech include: 

  • Temperature screening using a no-touch thermometer. The entire staff is screened at the start of the workday and regular intervals. We also follow a similar procedure for our patients and any other visitors. They have to go through a mandatory temperature check.
  • Sanitization- Our centres are cleaned every day and deep cleaned every evening. We follow a very high standard of cleaning. We regularly sanitize and use anti-bacterial spray on all door handles, toilet flushes, and all other areas of multiple contacts to further minimize risks.
  • Masks at our centres are non-negotiable, for the staff as well as the customers. Also, proper disposal of face covers/masks/gloves leftover by visitors and/or employees is always ensured.
  • All equipment is sanitized and disinfected between uses and towels are hot washed.
  • Self-monitoring of health by all our employees is practised and reporting any illness at the earliest to the immediate supervisory official. If any of our staff has potential or certain exposure to COVID 19 or have signs or symptoms of COVID 19 infection, they will not return to work unless their self-quarantine period is over, or they are no longer contagious.
  • As we are striving to have the safest, cleanest, most sanitary dermatology practice we have transitioned from a warm handshake to the “cool hand wave” and “namaste”.

About Clinic Dermatech

At Clinic Dermatech, backed by medical expertise, we offer personalized skincare, hair restoration, body shaping and aesthetic surgery – a plethora of treatments to rejuvenate you and enhance quality.

With 14 years of experience of working with all skin types to reduce and eliminate the different types of issues, Clinic Dermatech offers a range of most advanced skin care treatments at various locations across the country.

At Clinic Dermatech, backed by medical expertise, we offer personalized treatments to rejuvenate your skin and enhance its quality. Our offerings purge pores of city grime and feed the lacklustre skin the nutrients it needs to glow.


Preeti is an enthusiastic blogger & an SEO expert at clinic dermatech.

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