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Articles | In-Depth Analysis

Impact of Online Education on Students: Pros and Cons

Published: October 14, 2021
Author: Manali bhanushali

From the beginning, the internet was aimed at facilitating communication and study. And right now, it’s doing a better job than it’s ever done. COVID-19 pandemic has had a worldwide influence in recent times, and online technologies have seen unparalleled access and demand. This has pushed education systems and authorities all over the world to adapt, adjust, and review the use of online learning as an essential conduit in an increasingly linked and technology-dependent society. Online learning is at an all-time high, especially since 2020.

Since our core education system is administered by the government, transitioning from the conventional education system to online education has been fraught with challenges, both from academicians and from the system itself.

Nevertheless, in the aftermath of COVID – 19, it has become clear how important it is to adopt online education procedures alongside traditional methods. To achieve a better and measurable outcome, more innovative student-engagement approaches will be created in the future, with online platforms in mind. Many academicians, institutions and espacially have changed their mindset towards online education as a result of COVID – 19.

Learning in a physical classroom differs significantly from learning online. In a classroom, the majority of your attention is concentrated there; but, unlike online classes, the temptations are real!

Without a question, virtual learning is not a new notion. For a long time, it was feasible to finish your degree without leaving your computer. In addition, a substantial number of students have already completed their homework using online resources such as writing services. Still, in the year 2021, sitting beside friends in class means seeing their faces in Zoom or Google Meet call. “My camera isn’t working” has become a cliché for many students. With a few key components in play, online learning shifted students’ perceptions of learning.

Online learning has completely transformed the way we learn. Everyone has experienced the benefits and drawbacks of e-learning, from children to adults. So, in this article, we’ll discuss how online learning has changed the way students learn.

  • Learning at a faster pace

Previously, when students had to go to an institute and attend a class, the travel time was as long as the class itself, if not longer. With online learning, this isn’t an issue. Instead, a student might take two classes in the same length of time. As a result, people’s learning speed doubles.

Students can also binge-learn a topic that interests them. As their minds are revolving around the same topics, they are able to grasp knowledge quickly. Students in traditional classroom instruction had to wait for another day in most circumstances to attend a session. Learning through online classrooms, on the other hand, does not cause an interruption in the flow.

Furthermore, doubts can be resolved immediately, or in less time, than in a traditional classroom setting, where you might have had to wait until the following session or track down the teacher across campus.

  • Advancement in Technology benefits the students

Nonetheless, it has been observed that online learning improves teaching methods, which many students have considered beneficial. Even though most students still prefer a traditional classroom session we can’t deny that online classes have allowed many teachers to expand their methods beyond just using a textbook. For many students, the learning process has become more diverse thanks to presentations, online assessments, and creative digital tasks.

  • Learning Effectively

When we first start learning online, we are all hesitant. However, we become accustomed to the online learning environment over time. Students who learn online outperform their peers, according to

In addition, according to Statista, 63 percent of people judged e-learning to be more beneficial for exam preparation in a survey.

  • Misconception about E-learning

There are many students who continue to believe that online learning courses do not meet their educational and certification requirements. Many students believe that online learning programmes do not meet their educational and certification requirements. They claim that institutions and companies are sceptical of these programmes because they are not well-planned and only provide one-way communication.

Furthermore, many students believe that in order to complete an online degree, they must be tech savvy. These are misconceptions. Online learning is becoming the standard in the teaching-learning profession, owing to the growth of the internet and mobility.

Schools and colleges have a variety of advanced tech solution options to choose from, depending on their demands and budget. Many free apps, such as Zoom, Google Meet, and Facebook Live, can be utilised for virtual learning.

  • Learning has no bounds.

It’s no longer about memorising a specific syllabus and then marking the correct answers on a multiple-choice exam paper. Learning online is considerably more dynamic, as the learner chooses what they want to learn

and how they want to learn it. They can choose between videos and live sessions, and they can start practicing on various skills at once if they like. It reduces the time spent searching for institutes and sitting through many counselling sessions to simply signing up online. Rather, many online institutes provide courses connected to the same stream in bundle packages, making learning simple and enjoyable.

  • The unavoidable distraction

Learning from the comfort of one’s home may sound appealing, but it has its pitfalls. Although these drawbacks may be minor, we are addressing them because they are a typical occurrence among online students.

Many people take online classes from the comfort of their own homes, including the dining table. As a result, avoiding distractions is challenging. n between classes, students may wind up taking a phone call, working in the kitchen or doing other things. As a result, it would take longer to read the same document which they could read in a quarter of the time if they focused 100 percent. Students may also forget half of the concepts or mix up the facts due to a lack of focus.

  • High level of Anxiety and Stress

It may appear that studying at home, in a familiar and comfortable setting, will aid kids. However, it turns out that the contrary was true: students’ anxiety levels had risen, leading to tension, mental diseases, and even depression. It’s understandable that transitioning to online learning has been difficult, given the threat COVID-19 has posed to their health and the quick changes in their daily lives as a result of safety measures.

Moreover, for many students, going to university was a chance to get away from a stressful or unpleasant atmosphere at home, and returning has had a significant impact on them.

  • Declined Productivity

It’s no surprise that studying from home has had an impact on students’ productivity because coming to campus means sticking to a strict schedule. Though, classes start and conclude at the same time, getting up knowing you have to go to a physical class is far harder than watching a lecture while half-asleep in bed.

For technology and education, this is a crucial period. Online courses provide technology-based instructional settings that broaden learning opportunities and deliver high-quality education in a number of formats and modes. Higher education institutions have discovered that online courses are vital in ensuring that the communities they intend to serve have access to education. To be successful, an online program’s curriculum, facilitator, technology, and students must all be carefully evaluated and balanced in order to maximise the format’s benefits while avoiding the problems that can arise from its flaws.


Featured Image Source: Education Technology

By Somasree Roy

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