Apparel Sourcing Week (ASW)-2024

The Garment Sourcing Week (ASW) platform adapts to the shifting dynamics of the industry, keeping up with the global trade in garment sourcing while also taking into account the increasing demands and preferences of the consumer. Transparency is the foundation of partnerships, and with the disruption of traditional business, it is time to remove the layers in the purchasing process so that suppliers and buyers may collaborate directly to serve customers more ethically and with profitable products.The ASW platform gives the industry three separate verticals to improve business opportunities for all participants in the fashion retail chain in a networking, knowledge-sharing, and inspiration-filled environment. This streamlines the sourcing process for increased transparency and reach. The three verticals give the supplier year-round marketing opportunities unlike any other, and they give the buyer several ways to choose the ideal South Asian sourcing partner.


28 Aug, 2024 10:00 AM - 29 Aug, 2024 06:00 PM (IST)


Fibers and Yarns