The Board of Management (BOM) is the apex body of the university, which makes policy decisions, provides guidance for governance, appoints faculty and staff and controls assets and finances of the university. The Governor of Punjab is the Chancellor and honorary chairman while the Vice Chancellor is the chief executive of the university and serves as chairman of the BOM. There are 13 official and non-official members in the Board of Management. Other administrators assisting the Vice Chancellor are the Registrar for general administration and the Comptroller for financial management. The undergraduate teaching programmes of various faculties are administered by respective College Deans whereas postgraduate programmes are administered by Dean, Postgraduate Studies. The Academic Council at the university level and the Board of Studies at the college level play an effective role in designing new courses, modifying course curricula and other academic matters. The Director Students’ Welfare looks after students’ welfare, extra curricular activities, sports, medical and health care. Research and extension programmes are supervised by the Director of Research and the Director of Extension Education, respectively. The Director of Research is assisted by 4 Additional Directors of Research (Crop Improvement, Natural Resource & Plant Health Management, Farm Mechanization & Bio-energy, Horticulture and Food Science). Two Additional Directors of Extension Education assists the Director of Extension Education in training and communication. The Development of infrastructure and civil works is supervised by Chief Engineer. The maintenance of infrastructure and physical facilities are being looked after by the Estate Officer.

Punjab agricultural university, ludhiana
Address: Ferozpur Rd, Ludhiana, Punjab 141027