Market Reports | Product Report


Published: June 24, 2022

In April 2022, total merchandised exports were at US$40.19 billion, as against US$30.75 billion in April 2021, registering an increase of 31% year on year. In INR terms, exports were at INR3,061 billion in April, as against INR2,290 billion a year ago. Among textiles, ex- ports in April 2022 of cotton yarn/ fabrics/ made-ups, handloom Products etc. were up 9%, man-made yarn/ fabrics /made-ups etc. were up 8% and RMG of all textiles were up 21%.

In April 2022, basic textiles comprising fibres, spun and filament yarns shipment were worth US$775 million or INR5,828 crore, accounting for just over 1.9% of total merchandise exported from India during the month. Compared to a year ago, they were down 25% both in INR and US$ terms. In same comparison, the INR depreciated over 2.5% against the US$.

Spun yarns shipment totaled 97 million kg worth US$440 million or INR3,312 crore. The unit value realisation of all types of spun yarn averaged US$4.52 per kg, about US$0.96 up year on year. Bangladesh was the largest market for spun yarns during the month, followed by Turkey and Egypt.

Cotton  yarn export was at 71 mil- lion kg worth US$348 million (INR2,615 crore). Volume shipment  was  down 36% year on year, while revenue earning fell 15% is US$ term. These were shipped to 72 countries at an average price of US$4.89 a kg, up US cents 14 from previous month and up US$1.18 from April 2021. Bangladesh was the top importer of cotton yarn, followed by Egypt, China, Portugal and Peru. China reduced its import from India by 74% but ranked third in April 2022. Shipment to Bangladesh rose 16% while that to Egypt was up 13%.

100% man-made fibre yarns exports were at 10.80 million kg, comprising over 6.63 million kg of polyester yarn, 1.82 million kg of viscose yarn and 2.22 million kg of acrylic yarn. Viscose yarn worth US$8 million or INR58 crore were exported at an average price of US$4.22 per kg in April. The major market was Turkey, followed by Portugal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Italy. Polyester spun yarns export was worth US$18 million exported at average unit price of US$2.74 a kg. Turkey was the largest importer of polyester yarn, followed by Morocco and Brazil.

Blended spun yarns worth US$58 million were exported in April, including 9.27 million kg of PC yarns and 4 mil- lion kg of PV yarns. Bangladesh was the top importers of PC yarn from India followed by Honduras while Turkey was the single largest importer of PV yarns from India fol- lowed distantly by Vietnam.

Cotton shipment in April, the seventh month of the 2021-22 marketing season, dwindled to was 3.57 lakh bales worth I N R 1 , 3 9 7 crore or US$186 million. During the month, Bangladesh was the largest importer of Indian cotton, followed by Vietnam, Indonesia, Oman and China. Total export in first seven months of 2021-22 marketing season was at 48.82 lakh bales worth US$15,291 crore or US$2,058 million. Compared with the corresponding months of 2020-21 season, exports were down 37% in volume and 16% down in US$ term. Export price realisation for cotton averaged INR230 a kg or US cents 139 per pound in April. This was much below Cotlook A index, the global spot price benchmark and also compared with the domestic spot price for bench- mark Gujarat Shankar-6. During the month, Cotlook aver- aged US$158 per pound while Shankar-6 was at US cents 156 per pound.

Courtesy: Textile Beacon Fibre to Yarn Export Statistics: India

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