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US will ‘eat its own bitter fruit’, says China.

Published: August 28, 2019

Beijing has hit out at the latest US tariff hikes on its goods, saying a ‘bullying’ Washington would eventually ‘eat its own bitter fruit’. The Chinese commerce ministry on August 24 denounced ‘unilateral and bullying’ US trade protectionism. President Donald Trump a day before had raised existing and planned tariffs on $550 billion worth Chinese goods.

Trump’s decision was in response to new tit-for-tat levy hikes announced earlier that day by Beijing on $75 billion worth US imports. The tariff increase “seriously undermines the multilateral trading system and the normal international trade order, and the US will surely eat its own bitter fruit,” a Chinese commerce ministry spokesperson was quoted by global newswires as saying.

“The Chinese side strongly urges the US side not to misjudge the situation, not to underestimate the determination of the Chinese people, and immediately stop its mistaken actions, otherwise all consequences will be borne by the US,” the spokesman said.

European Council President Donald Tusk has cautioned that Trump’s escalating trade tensions with China and Europe could force economies around the world into recession. G7 summit host French President Emmanuel Macron also warned of the widespread fallout from the trade dispute.

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