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Turkmen President Attends New Textile Complex Opening Ceremony

Published: August 27, 2021
Author: Manali bhanushali
Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov attended the inauguration ceremony of a new textile complex in Ahal velayat’s Kaka etrap on Wednesday, according to the country’s official media.
In his address to the ceremony attendees, the Head of State stated that today’s solemn event is timed to coincide with the opening of another new facility in the textile industry, which is one of Turkmen economy’s key segments – a textile complex in Kaka etrap capable of annually processing 5,000 tonnes of fine-fiber cotton.
Kaka Textile Complex worth US$147.85 million has the capacity to annually produce 3,650 tons of high-quality yarns, 12 million square meters of different fabrics and 1.2 million finished garments. Turkmen President The commissioning of the complex created 1,300 jobs. The total area of the new textile complex, operating under the Ministry of Textile Industry of Turkmenistan, is 18 hectares.
The construction of a new textile complex in Ahal velayat’s Babadayhan etrap is at its final stages. The Kaka Textile Complex will be able to annually produce 3,300 tons of fine-fiber yarn, 20 million square meters of different fabrics and 3.5 million finished garments. The Ministry of Textile Industry of Turkmenistan presently operates more than 60 enterprises, which employ over 24 thousand people. Domestic textiles are exported to dozens of countries around the world.
Image source: Turmen Voice

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