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Taren delintation solutions increase cotton efficiency.

Published: January 7, 2021
Author: Manali bhanushali

Developing Turkey’s first and only patented cotton delintation technology, Taren Engineering is establishing cottonseed delintation facilities worldwide. The company also serves as a seed processor to the cottonseed producers in the region with the Taren Tohum A.Ş. cottonseed delintation facility established in Urfa.

Providing comprehensive services and developing delintation technologies that increase cotton productivity and quality, Taren Engineering has achieved rapid growth since its establishment in 2017. Taren develops solutions in cottonseed production at the very beginning of the textile supply chain with the slogan ‘Let It Be Cotton!’ and has made improvements that will contribute to the sector. Taren Engineering, founded in Adana by Sercenk Kılıç, who has an extensive experience of 20 years in the seed sector, carries out important projects especially in textile markets where cotton is produced.

Sercenk Kılıç defines the delintation process as separating the cottonseed from the fibres, sliver and foreign substances, and said that they developed 100% domestic and patented delintation machines. Kılıç; “We aim to establish delintation facilities for companies in the global cotton and cottonseed industry and help the Turkish cotton industry increase its market share. We also offer R&D support in this regard. The technologies we develop and the services we offer contribute to the productivity increase of the entire textile industry, especially the cotton producers”.

Acid delintation is superior to mechanical delintation

Indicating that the delintation machine they developed and patented performs the delinting process with acid, Sercenk Kılıç stated that compared to mechanical systems, this system completely cleans the fibres and residues off the seed.

Kılıç commented; “In mechanical delintation, fibre and unwanted micro-organisms from the field or gin still remain on the seed. Delintation with acid eliminates these harmful effects in terms of cotton harvest quantity and quality. The seeds that pass through the delintation are sieved in the precision screening group machines and the hollow light seeds are separated. In addition, in the seed coating process for seed yield, acid-delinted seeds are coated more homogeneously and better preserve the agricultural additives within the seed. In mechanical delintation, on the other hand, the fibres remaining on the seed prevent homogeneous coating, and the cleaning brushes included in these systems can scratch the seed and damage the embryo inside the seed”.

Delintation is a must for productivity

Research and field studies show that acid-delinted seeds achieve much higher yields than seeds that have been seeded or mechanically delinted. The seeds with the highest germination capability can be selected by subjecting the seeds to tests before they are delinted or after. This means using a smaller amount of seeds compared to seed cultivation. By planting 2.5 kg of cotton seeds per decare, a serious profit can be obtained in breeding costs. It is possible to obtain higher yields per decare provided that the seed quality is adhered to.

Sercenk Kılıç said that delinted seed strengthens producers’ hands in combating diseases and pests in cotton agriculture. Kılıç disclosed; “The acid and hot air used during the delintation process enable the destruction of unwanted micro-organisms on the surface of the seed. Thus, a purer seed is obtained”.

Kılıç stated that it is advantageous for companies to have their own facilities in terms of delintation, which provides raw material savings and an increase in cotton production. Kılıç; “By owning their own delintation facilities, companies are freed from contract processing costs. In fact, it creates a serious income area for the company by performing this operation for other seed companies. For example, a facility that processes 5000 tons of cottonseed per year can pay off the investment cost in 1 year”.

Everywhere where cotton is produced is our potential market

Reminding that they offer a patented technology for cotton, Sercenk Kılıç announced that they have developed strategies for important cotton and textile countries in the global market. Kılıç continued his words as follows; “Our focus is on textile manufacturers, seeders and spinners who plant their own fields and produce their own cotton. World cotton production in India, Pakistan, China, USA, Brazil, Turkey, Uzbekistan and African countries are prominent. All markets have potential for us. Under the management of Fırat Hınis, our International Sales and Marketing Director, we have achieved successful results in some serious cases we have carried out in some markets. We will share the details with the public soon”.

Explaining that they offer 50% price advantage to their customers compared to their competitors in the market, Kılıç stated that they provide uninterrupted after-sales service and spare parts supply. Kılıç informed that they carried out the first delinting process for 500 tons of cottonseed processing, depending on the agreement, after the installation of the facility, and that they provided job and training support to their partners.

Providing information about export markets, Taren Engineering International Sales and Marketing Director Fırat Hınis underlined that they have quickly started their global marketing efforts. Hınis announced that they established a representation office in the Okora-Punjab region of Pakistan after they established a representation office in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. Stating that they are continuing their efforts to establish a representation and sales network in various other regions of the world where cotton is on the agenda, Hınis said; “As a matter of fact, we are in intense negotiations in Africa, I hope that we will introduce this technology to Africa soon. We closely follow all developments in cotton and cottonseed processing in the world. We will take part in important fairs and organizations after the global pandemic crisis”.

Turkey’s largest delintation facility is Taren Tohum A.Ş in Urfa

Referring to the Taren Tohum delintation facility they have established in Urfa, Sercenk Kılıç gave the following information; “Urfa and this region produces 40% of the total cotton in Turkey. However, there was no delintation facility to meet the needs of the region. Sending seeds outside the region created serious time loss, freight costs, and tracking difficulties. Taren Tohum, which started its activities, has a seasonal cottonseed processing capacity of 15 thousand tons. There are 7 delinters in our facility that we manufactured. With an installed capacity it is Turkey’s largest cottonseed delintation facility. We provide confidence and convenience to our partners with our experienced staff”.

Continuing its activities with 20 years of experience, Taren Engineering creates a clear and profitable response to meeting the demands for sustainability, transparent production and protection of resources demanded in the textile supply chain at the cotton production stage.

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