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DGFT to launch platform for IEC-related services delivery

Published: June 30, 2020

India’s Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) recently announced it is launching a digital platform to deliver services like issuance of import-export code (IEC) to promote ease of doing business for traders. It will be rolled out in phases and the first phase is scheduled to go live on July 13, DGFT said in a notice to members of trade associations and its regional authorities. “As part of digital India programme and for ease of doing business, DGFT has undertaken an initiative to revamp its services delivery mechanisms to promote and facilitate foreign trade. The platform will become accessible through the existing website,” it said.
In the first phase, it said the website will be catering to the services related to IEC issuance, modification, amendment process along with a Chatbot (a virtual assistant) catering to queries of users. Other online modules relating to advance authorisation, export promotion of capital goods and exports obligation discharge, part of the next phase, will be rolled out subsequently after the first phase stabilises.
Access to the services would be through a username- and password-based system.

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