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Workshop for designers and leather technicians has been held by Ecco

Published: June 24, 2020
Author: moosa.nayeem

Titled ‘The Experiment’, the 13th edition of Ecco Leather’s workshop takes place July 7-10, during which participants will learn how leather is made, be able to make leather and influence the leather making process online.

Eccl leathers hot shop three-day workshop was set up as an open source for the tanneries emerging technologies and they also served as an alternative for industry events and trade shows. This invite -only workshop is based in Netherlands in Dongen and not only involves designers but also includes artists, material specifiers, marketers and leather technicians from different sectors like fashion, furniture, electronics and industrial design. Due to the restrictions set by the Covid 19 pandemic the event is hosted on a special platform which will also host a 24/7 live stream connection in Dongen. Netherlands. Leather concepts will be designed by the participants in virtual rooms which will later be chosen and developed by Ecco Learher’s technicians and designers.

“The Experiment very much fits with Ecco Leather’s design philosophy: to create an industry more built around customisation than waste. Why build a huge collection if only 5-10% is even sold?”, said Ecco Leather. “Tanneries should continually spend energy in creating new technologies and investigating new techniques that give leather new unique looks and performances, which are based on the real-time desires of the public, brands and retailers,” said Panos Mytaros, CEO, Ecco Leather. “So, let’s take a leap into the future of the leather industry. Imagine custom leather design, bookable in sprints focussing on specific aspects; may it be making the product more beautiful or the production smarter or cleaner. And that’s how we set up The Experiment; as a digital interactive platform that will allow creatives to remotely design and develop leather, using our knowledge and facilities”, he added.


Ecco Leather to hold workshop for designers and leather technicians – International Leather Maker. (n.d.). Retrieved June 23, 2020, from https://internationalleathermaker.com/news/fullstory.php/aid/8585/Ecco_Leather_to_hold_workshop_for_designers_and_leather_technicians_.html

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