Fashion | Mood board

Beige revolution.

Published: June 16, 2020

From millennial pink to gen-Z yellow, some of the most prominent colour trends to have emerged from fashion in recent years all have one thing in common: they are bright, bold and unashamedly command the attention of onlookers. So it may come as a surprise to learn that this season, fashion’s must-have shade of the moment is decidedly more understated: beige. Beige isn’t just a drab colour, it can be extremely flattering and chic if pulled off the right way. You’ve heard of the classic blacks and white, these are staples, but in 2020, beige is starting to make its way into people’s closets as well.

Pantone shade : 15 -119TCX,17-1134TCX,,14-1012TCX,14-116TCX,14-118TCX.


Mood created by- Bhavika Gulrajani

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