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Work From Home.

Published: June 9, 2020

\\Styling tip with FVC\\ Work from home edition \\Being stylish and fashionable at all times can actually be a mood-lifter and a kind of coping mechanism. Why not make your #WFH work from home time a fashionable one?

Cotton is your best friend – Yes exactly, during these soaring summers it is the best to choose light, breathable and natural fabrics to keep you comfortable through the day.

Jewellery ­– keep it minimal- WORK OUT HOW TO ACCESSORISE TO COMPLEMENT YOUR CLOTHING WHILE DRESSING , pair in a piece of layered necklace or minimal rings and earrings are usually in the field of vision for anyone who is talking to you, so they are important. You should aim to choose earrings to frame your face and complement your hair, eye color and skin tone.

Comfortable Footwear -Great news— this is where you can be a little sneaky. The chances are quite low that anyone is going to see your feet when you work at home, even on video chat. The rules here? None.

-Bhavika Gulrajani


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