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Role of Manager in Garment Ind

Published: May 18, 2012


Manish Nangia

Assistant Professor-FMS

National Institute of Fashion Technology, New Delhi

Research Scholar-Singhania University

Pacheri Bari, Jhunjhunu (Rajasthan)




Role of a Manager in Garment Industry



In the changing environment of garment industry, the role of a manager or production manager has gained a lot of importance since he enjoys multi-tasking and simultaneously takes a lot of responsibility. It is rightly said that the most important employee attached to a garment industry is the production manager. It calls for a person with a passion for detailing and an organized mind. Production manager or Managers are considered to be the sun around which the whole efforts of an export house revolve. For becoming a production manager an individual is required to have exceptional communication and organizational skills, willingness to work for long hours in stressful situations, maintaining a heavy travel schedule and the ability to use communications devices which are critical for maintaining a connection with his team members. Speaking a second language is also a valuable skill in addition to possessing a Masters Degree in Fashion management from a premier fashion institute. Production, Merchandising and Sewing are some of the sought after skills required for becoming a production manager.


Role of a Production Manager in Garment Industry:


  1. Production Manager should be able to plan

He is responsible for preparing the plan for processing of materials in the factory by the functions of process planning, loading and scheduling. He also compares the actual performance with the planned performance. When jobs are started and completed on schedule, there is little concern about the meeting of commitments. Optimum operation of the plant can be obtained only if the original plan has been prepared carefully to utilize the manufacturing facilities effectively. Production Manager is required to take corrective action as and when required in terms of re-planning. Re-planning revise loads, routes and schedules for making a new plan as it is very much required in manufacturing units due to volatile market conditions, manufacturing methods or change in fashion.


  1. Production Manager should be able to take up responsibility

Production manager undertakes the responsibility for overseeing matters at domestic factories where sampling of garment is done, design changes are made and finished garments are completed. The job includes costing of garments and spreadsheet maintenance so that the designer has a running assessment of money matters as wardrobes are churned out. Since he acts as the liaison between designer and fabric, trim and notion wholesalers, he is responsible for keeping tabs on inventory items. He also works very closely with the designer in order to maintain delivery dates, deadlines and bookings.

  1. Production Manager is responsible for getting Production of Garments

He should be able to forecast the requirements of production in order to achieve the production target as he is responsible for day-to-day production in garment industry. He supervises and motivates the support staff on a regular basis by having a team approach and also by maintaining open communication. The Production Manager plans, schedules, strategize, and oversee all production activities while maintaining profitability. The Production Manager performs essential functions to ensure overall customer satisfaction and quality service, as well as establishes and maintains effective communication with employees and clients. The Production Manager is responsible for the effective and efficient scheduling of personnel and equipment to reduce bottlenecks and problems in the production process.

  1. He is responsible for maintaining quality standards

Production Manager is responsible for maintaining zero defects as well as to provide satisfaction and value for the customers by contributing to minimum number of defects. The Production Manager is required to facilitate productivity and quality standards in the production process.


  1. He should be able to lead others

He should be able to maintain a congenial work environment by maintaining a positive attitude in his department. He is also required to ensure that all employees under his supervision are aligned with the company goals that foster pride in being part of a winning team and promotes organizational and personal growth. He should have a keen desire and ability to successfully lead others.


  1. Production Managers Coordinate Travel

Production managers have inside travel information which is required for a seamless trip, like problematic hotels, airlines or on the other end of the continuum, travel resources that have offered preferential treatment in the past. It always helps having an efficient travel agency on speed dial but not all travel arrangements are handled by the agent.

  1. Production Manager should be able to deliver on time shipment

The effectiveness of a production manager can be measured with the help of orders which are shipped on time. The major criteria would be whether or not the shipping promises are being kept as well as the percentage of orders shipped on time.


  1. He should be able to maintain production records

He should be able to maintain production control records and provide information to customers and management with regard to delivery dates, schedules and operating problems.

Changing Role of a Production Manager in Garment Industry:


Now with the onset of new trends which are coming up in fashion industry, the role of production manager is also changing very fast. He is getting into the area of handling events while working with designers in addition to production. In the fashion industry, production manager is also assuming the new role of event planner, overseeing model fittings and acting as liaison between hair stylists and makeup professionals to convey the designer’s styling directions to the whole world. He may be required to handle the advance work which is required to book the space for garment expo, schedule and arrange runway shows for the design collection of designers. Now the designers are doing their design collection shows in places like Paris, New York, Milan and other trendy cities during the same week. The production manager is required to coordinate all of these events, particularly those scheduled during “Fashion Week,” the industry’s fall and spring extravaganzas where all designers sponsor events during the same week. The high-end designers are employing public relation officers or contract with PR firms to handle publicity needs, but it is the production manager’s job to field media inquiries, gossip and flash news stories that send reporters running to their industry contacts rather than the PR person. Production managers may be briefed when “talking points” are drafted so that he will be ready to reiterate the company’s position verbatim. He may also be required to distribute press releases, backgrounders, position papers and other data to reporters and producers.

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