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India Inc scrambles to ensure employee safety while keeping Operations going.

Published: March 7, 2020

Organizations across the country have started strengthening employee safety initiatives to prevent the spread of Covid-19, even as the epidemic sweeps across the world. Many have restricted non-essential international and domestic travel especially to China, South Korea, Singapore, Japan, Italy, and Iran. Several employers are ensuring the workforce has access to hand sanitizers at entry and exit points, discouraging physical meetings, and providing N95 masks in offices, factories, and distribution centres. “We have put in place enhanced cleaning regimes for the workplaces and a protocol on when and what type of masks are needed to be used in the event of sustained community transmission,” said a spokesperson of Hindustan Unilever Ltd, India’s largest fast-moving consumer goods company. Clix Capital, a fintech company, said it had started sending out periodic advisories through email to all employees listing the precautions they must take against Covid-19. The advisory is also flashing on the television screens meant for internal communications.

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