News & Insights | Textile Technology

Retech as expert in monitoring your yarn tension to perfection

Published: May 14, 2019

The blue thread moves on its way! For the third time since 2011 in Barcelona, 2015 in Milano und now 2019 again in Barcelona Retech is exhibiting interesting innovations under the motto of the blue thread and thereby remains faithful to its line.
This coming June in Barcelona Retech will show a diverse and interesting range of new products for different applications. In the forefront we shall show intentionally 3 innovations from different areas of activity. However there are further new things to be discovered on Stand B109 in Hall 7:

Retech as expert in monitoring your yarn tension to perfection will show in Barcelona a further development of the long proven and successful yarn tension sensor. This yarn tension sensor, which is based on HALL sensor technology, has established itself in the last 20 years as the leading technology for the on-line measurement of yarn tension. The main characteristics such as robustness, insensitivity to external influences, high accuracy, long term stability and user friendly service have led to the Retech yarn tension sensor becoming a ‘must’  in the production of filament yarns. The main range of application is in false-twist texturing production (DTY), but there are other applications such as in extrusion (FDY / BCF), in air jet texturing and in diverse winding processes, where the monitoring of yarn tension is essential for the continuous assurance of yarn quality. At any point technical or commercial boundaries are met, and so it is necessary to offer successful solutions in these technically related areas.

For this reason Retech has developed the proven yarn tension sensor with HALL technology in two directions. In Barcelona we shall show with considerable pride a version for application in extrusion. A sensor, which is foreseen with additional characteristics, in order to be able to withstand the even greater demands and influences of a spinning process at high speeds (4000 m/min. +) and higher yarn counts (3000 dtex +). (Bild „Yarn Tension Sensor Extrusion“)

On the other hand we shall show a low cost version, which admittedly omits a few features, which are usually necessary and established. With this low cost version we have the possibility to enter also into areas of application and markets, where the price exhibits a central role. Where the absolute measurement stands less in the centre and where certain details can be compensated by means of modern technology and software. Especially in the area of OEM business, where the yarn tension sensor is integrated into the central machine control (centre) of the machine builder, there appear to be interesting new opportunities. This new version of the proven HALL sensor principal with the application of the newest and further developed technology is showing already great interest from notable machine manufacturers.
(Bild „Yarn Tension Sensor Optimised“)

Retech as expert in drawing your fibres to perfection will present with eager anticipation a new godet generation as their second main innovation in the area of today’s core business of heated godet rolls for the drawing and treatment of all kinds of synthetic yarns. Based on the proven and efficient motor technology by means of permanent synchron magnet technology, which enables a very economic operation, an interesting further development has taken place, which rounds off further the Retech godet roll range.

Retech sets its stall by the permanent synchron magnet motor technology and offers three product ranges. Based on a motor size of 80, godet rolls with diameters 100 – 127 mm are offered. The motor size 90 is concentrated on diameters 150 – 160 mm and the motor size 112 based on diameters 190 – 250 mm. All three ranges cover different godet roll lengths and heating possibilities (1 – 6 zones, STS (non-rotating PT100 temperature sensor) or RTS (rotating temperature sensor) including the necessary measured value transmitter and are consequently designed according to the modular system, which demonstrates interesting economic possibilities for the customer, even with small numbers of units.

Also in the case of smaller godet roll diameters in order to accommodate ever higher demands for speed and temperature, Retech has now developed further its range of motors and equipped it with the well-known features of the larger motor series (112), which comes into play in the case of high end godet rolls. Through this the godet roll range with diameter 160 mm opens up a new performance range, which enables a continuous operation at speeds up to 4500 m/min. and temperatures to 250 °C, whilst of course maintaining the usual quality, precision and long life. As with all godet rolls Retech has avoided the greasing of bearings and inductor cooling by means of the clever cooling and heat dissipation system. An important puzzle solution here is the permanent synchron magnet technology mentioned beforehand. Specifically this draws only sufficient current as the process actually demands and thereby leads to an energy saving and efficient operation.
(Bild „Heated godet new generation“ / „Heated godet small brother“)

Besides these new godet roll products further godet rolls will of course be shown in Barcelona. In addition to the already mentioned „standard“ godet rolls (whereby each godet roll is trimmed and optimised for the chosen range of application), godet rolls will also be exhibited for washing and drying processes for high performance fibres. Even so there are also godet rolls with external drives, which find application in different niche markets (artificial grass, medical applications, horizontal drawing lines, etc.).

The third part of the previously mentioned special innovations concerns the original Retech product range. Retech, whose name stands for regulation technology and whose origin springs from temperature regulation, is showing its newly developed temperature control and measured value transmission line. Under the name “Blue-Line”, the next generation of this system will be shown at ITMA Barcelona. This success story began in the middle of the 70’s with the analogue temperature controller RRU, followed by the first digital temperature controllers Microtronic-08, Microtornic-24 in the late 80’s, followed by DTC-24 and CR-03 (the first multizone temperature controller) at the end of the 90’s, up to today’s ETC-24 and CR-7 versions in combination with the UTR-4 with transmission of temperature measured values.

By means of the re-worked „Blue-Line“, the advantages of the individual systems are now combined and enable new interesting areas of application. This is on the one hand for our own regulation and control installation, but also for our OEM customer, who can integrate the individual components easily and securely in their control circuit systems and yet again for small „stand-alone“ applications.

Retech will show as a world premier in Barcelona:

– UCR-6 temperature controller for multi-zone godet rolls (1-6 heating zones)
– UCR-6P temperature controller for 6 independent heating positions (1 zone STS godet rolls or other heating components)
– USC temperature converter (to convert the digital into an analogue signal)
– UTR-4A measured value transmitter as a technical and robust further development for the hostile working environment of man-made fibre manufacturing.

With these new products, which cover the needs of our customers in an optimal way, Retech are able to round off their product programme and to react in an optimal way to each enquiry and demand.(Bild „UCR-6 Temperaturcontroller“ / „UTR-4A_PT100+Stator“ / UTR-4A_Stator“)

Now we should very much like to shed more light on some advantages of the new temperature control units:

  • The temperature controller UCR-6 / 6P comes now with an integrated LED display, which enables the operation of the unit as a stand-alone option. This way the user sees the actual status including all important information such as the set and actual temperatures, and on the other hand alarm and error information in clear text.
  • The UCR-6P presents a very interesting and cost optimised version for small plants with a small number of control positions. The control per regulator with 6 independent participants can be taken directly at the unit itself and without any bus structure or PLC.
  • The unit enables a simple configuration in situ by the operator. A significant advantage, also in the case of replacements.
  • By means of intelligent technology the temperature controller UCR-6 / 6P is allowed an optimised network loading, at the same time setting a limit to the network loading. The network loading follows uniformly and not stepwise with spikes as with other products, which can lead to problems at the godet roll or the network.
  • The heating load is distributed uniformly in the case of multi-zone godet rolls, which leads to a further optimisation of the network loading.
  • The synchronous phase control of the output relay (SSR) enables the application of cost-efficient random switching relays.
  • By means of a switch, the regulator or the corresponding heater can be turned on or off. The optical input to the regulator enables the operation of several regulators by means of a single switch. In the case of a plant with a number of heaters this reduces significantly the investment in wiring.

These are only the most important advantages, which flow in the new „Blue-Line“ temperature control range. Unfortunately these are often disregarded in a general judgement. A simple and understandable demonstration of the points mentioned will be presented live at the ITMA in Barcelona, and thereby everyone can be convinced themselves of the considerable benefits.

Besides the 3 highlights mentioned in the range of yarn tension sensors, heated godet rolls and temperature regulation and transmission Retech is showing further innovations and products.

On the one hand there are the proven separator rolls with air bearings in various sizes, the many kinds of heated godet roll mentioned already including godet rolls for cooling and washing, and also large hot plates for draw warping applications, which even enable our national flag to be manufactured ….. all under the motto «Engineered and Made in Switzerland». We welcome you from the heart to our show stand B109 in Hall 7 during ITMA in Barcelona !

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