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Bangladesh: From Famine to Economic Powerhouse, Now Looking

Published: July 4, 2024

Bangladesh’s story is one of remarkable transformation. Devastated by war and famine in the early 1970s, the country has become a major player in the global garment industry, lifting millions out of poverty.

A shift towards market-friendly policies and attracting foreign investment fueled a surge in garment exports, turning Bangladesh into an apparel powerhouse. This success, however, has led to a reliance on a single sector.

Now, Bangladesh is looking to diversify its economy and move up the value chain. The country’s experience offers valuable lessons for African nations seeking to build their apparel industries.

With a large workforce, access to resources, and preferential trade agreements, Africa has the potential to become the next apparel giant. Bangladesh, meanwhile, is looking to move beyond garments and establish itself as a high-income nation.

The key to success lies in sustainable and inclusive growth. Bangladesh’s thriving garment industry employs millions, with a strong focus on improving working conditions and empowering women.

This model can be replicated in Africa, with programs promoting fair labour practices and gender equality. International collaboration is crucial in ensuring a smooth transition of the garment industry to Africa, fostering a new era of economic prosperity for the continent.

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