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Jeans Manufacturers in Crisis as Factory Lights Go Out

Published: November 7, 2023

The industrial production of jeans pants in Karnataka has been severely affected due to frequent power failures. The unstable power supply resulting from the ongoing power crisis in the state has caused significant challenges for industries involved in manufacturing jeans pants. With numerous factories dedicated to stitching jeans pants, and employing over 10,000 workers in Ballari district alone, the power cuts have disrupted the supply chain and caused wastage of chemicals and materials. The factories supply jeans pants not only to neighbouring states but also to other countries.

Impact on Jeans Factories:

Managers and owners of jeans factories emphasize the importance of uninterrupted power supply to sustain their operations and meet the surge in orders. However, Karnataka’s power crisis, caused by depleting water levels in hydel units, has hampered production. To mitigate the impact, many factories have resorted to using generators despite the high operational costs. The inability to increase product prices amidst rising input costs has resulted in substantial losses for manufacturers.

Appeal for Prioritizing Power Supply:

Factory owners and managers are urging the authorities to provide prior intimation and take measures for uninterrupted power supply to the industries. They stress that unscheduled power cuts, some lasting up to 20 minutes every hour, have a profoundly negative effect on production and are causing wastage.

Resuming Power Production at Shimshapura Hydroelectric Station:

In the midst of this power crisis, there is a glimmer of hope as the Shimshapura hydroelectric station, which had been shut down due to flood damage in 2022, has now recommenced power production. Extensive repairs have been carried out, and the unit is operational once again. The Shimshapura hydroelectric station holds historical significance and has been an integral part of the region’s power infrastructure since 1940.


While the power crisis continues to impede the industrial production of jeans pants in Karnataka, the resumption of power production at the Shimshapura hydroelectric station brings hope for improved power supply. Factory owners are urging authorities to prioritize uninterrupted power supply to sustain operations and prevent further losses.

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