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Sustainable Economy Through Woven Fabric Preservation

Published: October 16, 2023

Recent months in Indonesia have been marked by unusually severe weather defined by steadily increasing air temperatures that continue to set new records.

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) warned that increasing air temperatures promote the continuation of the global warming process and affect climate change.

The persistent rise in emissions of greenhouse gases is one of the primary contributors to climate change. These emissions affect the rising average temperature of the atmosphere.

The fast fashion business, also known as the textile industry, with numerous fashion models that constantly change in a short amount of time and do not last very long, has propelled the development of textile production at quite a rapid pace. Fast fashion is the word for the industry, with various fashion models that constantly change quickly and last only a short time.

However, according to information from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the fashion business is responsible for roughly 10 percent of worldwide carbon emissions.

This is more than the total number of accidents in the aviation and shipping industries combined. The fashion industry is responsible for nearly 20 percent of the world’s wastewater, equivalent to approximately 93 billion cubic meters from textile dyeing.

It is estimated that over 92 million tons of waste textiles are produced every year across the world. By 2030, this number will have increased to 134 million tons annually.

More sustainable economic activities will need to be encouraged to solve the climate issue brought on by the expansion of the fashion industry’s carbon emissions. This will allow a smaller carbon footprint left by the fashion sector.

One of the persons who has successfully encouraged a sustainable economy through preserving culture and fashion is Maria Gabriella Isabella. She is one of the people.

Since 2015, Isabella and seven of her friends have been working together through her social venture, which is named Copa de Flores, to build a fashion brand to preserve woven fabric, which is the traditional fabric used for clothes in the Southwest Sumba District of the East Nusa Tenggara Province.

Because the woven fabric is sturdy and long-lasting, it is seen as an appropriate instrument for cultivating sustainable values. This is because woven fabric may be utilized for an extended period.

Isabella promotes the goal of zero waste by repurposing discarded fabric scraps into other valuable products, such as necklaces, earrings, wallets, and other accessories. In addition to mainstreaming time-honored principles in the clothing that she crafts, Isabella does this to encourage the zero waste aim.

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