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Union Minister Piyush Goyal predicts that the textile industry would recover.

Published: September 1, 2023

Tamil Nadu would be at the forefront of the industry in the future, according to Union Minister for Textiles, Commerce and Industry, Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution Piyush Goyal, who was speaking in Coimbatore on Thursday.

The Minister informed the media that the world was experiencing difficult times when questioned about the difficulties the textile industry was facing. All of the industrialised nations, including the United States and Europe, were experiencing an economic downturn. Even China’s economic activity had decreased. “In this circumstance, I’m glad to say that our textile sector is still standing strong and producing quality work. I am certain that we will restore India’s former prominence in the textile industry, with Tamil Nadu taking the lead, in the future as well.

The Minister claimed that when the British came to India, they destroyed the textile industry in the Coimbatore region for the expansion of Manchester while unveiling the bust of R.K. Shanmugham Chetty, the country’s first independent finance minister, at the Southern India Mills’ Association. Coimbatore, “the Manchester of India,” will be able to repay with interest following the FTA with the United Kingdom, he claimed.

Tamil Nadu accounted for one-third of India’s textile industry, approximately 40% of yarn output, and some of the most stunning designer clothing. All cotton stakeholders, including growers, ginners, and spinners, should work together to create an ecosystem where quality would determine success while maintaining the norms of cotton quality. He suggested that the country should become self-sufficient in the production of textile machines by working to innovate and support Make in India.

The chairman of the Southern India Mills’ Association, Ravi Sam, called for action to get rid of the import tax on cotton and said that a free trade agreement with the UK would increase exports of clothing and textiles by double.


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