Textile machinery

Machine Builder Mahlo Holds Workshop With Over 60 Participants From 29 Countries

Published: June 7, 2023

It has been a tradition to welcome all of our representatives to our headquarters for this gathering every four years, just before the ITMA textile trade show, according to Mahlo Managing Director Rainer Mestermann. They will be able to learn more about the newest systems and our machines as a result. The agenda featured presentations on hot industry themes like energy-efficient and sustainable production as well as in-depth training sessions on a variety of machines. It was much more than a workshop with over 60 partners, most of whom had been working together for a long time: “It’s a family reunion.”

The organisation can also see this. Owner Aura Greenwood-Mahlo, for instance, personally catered for the attendees. On both days of the session, she made lunch. The managing director claims, “For us, this is a part of the Mahlo spirit.” like a vibrant programme once the job was finished. A gourmet tour of Regensburg and a visit to the Weltenburg abbey offered entertainment and a chance to network away from the office.

“The workshop has an important meaning for us as a company,” says Mestermann. Not just because it presents a chance to reconnect with old friends in person. “But most importantly for the advantage of our clients. Because customers can be confident that their point of contact in the target market is knowledgeable on the most recent developments and the ins and outs of the industry, enabling them to receive the best support possible for their issues. The world can use this network to market leader in straightening machines and process control for textile finishing is well positioned for the challenges of the future.

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