The PM Mitra massive textile park that would be built across Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh was hailed by the Tiruppur Exporters Association.
According to the Association President KM Subramanian in a news release, the eagerly awaited plan will realise the Prime Minister’s goal of the 5F (Farm to Fibre to Factory to Fashion to Foreign) and foster the expansion of the textile industry. greater employment
In the Virudhunagar district of Tamil Nadu, the Central and State governments have identified and proposed to establish a Mega park with infrastructure on 1,100 acres. The park will draw in investment and provide employment, especially for women.
The association recommended building space, plug-and-play amenities, and an ecosystem to draw MSMEs to Tirupur. start with 15,000 square feet. Additionally, it encouraged the inclusion of the PLI-2 scheme to allow the units being built as part of the project to take advantage of incentives, solar electricity for industry, a shared effluent treatment facility for the processing units, and ICD inside the park.